Friday, July 31, 2009

Other ways to potty train your puppy other than crate training?

Diligence. I have never had a crate trained dog. We train ours by repeatedly taking them out. You have to do it every 30 minutes or so but it works fast. Mine are always trained within a week or two. I have noticed crate trained dogs take ALOT longer. I think it is because when ppl don't want to deal with a possible mess they put them in the crate.
tie a rope to the door handle with a little bell on it. every time you take your puppy outside to potty, besure to get your puppy's attention and to jingle the bell. hopefully your puppy will figure out that ringing the bell means he can go outside.
If you live in a house with a lawn, take him outside after he eats. When he does his business, praise him. See if he pees in different spots on the lawn. This is good, because if he urinates in one patch it is bound to become stained from the urine's acid. If he does happen to take a fancy to a certain spot, take him out to the bushes or somewhere unkept. Apparently my uncle trained his dog to paw at bells attatched to the door when he wanted out. I have not tried this, but I am sure there are articles on it.
I trained my dog by taking him outside every hour or so and after he went to the bathroom i gave him a treat eventually i increased the time i would wait to let him out my dog now scratches at the door or window if he needs 2 use the bathroom and can hold if 4 at longest (kinda cruel) 12 hours.

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