Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ok if you were an animal but not a cat or dog wich 1 would u be?

A Snake
First why I picked that is because
1. a rabbit people eat rabbits
2. Fish they die easily
3. Deer because people eat them
4. Ferret because people dont like em
5. Bird because people could shoot them down so I would pick a snake cause I could defend my self even though I am scared to death of them and would kill one in an instant if it was to strike
A bird because you could totally fly! Or a horse because they are amazing!
Big cat
I'd probably be an anaconda!! who doesn't like big snakes?
i would be a cheetah beacause they can run really fast and i could run away from my boss... lol (i am my boss)
a bear...cause you could sleep a long time...and you don't have to worry about work!!
Either a crocodile, dolphin, or tiger.
A horse.My favorite animal EVER!And I could kick the livin' crap out people who annoy me.Mwhahahahaha >:-)
A squirrel because they are powerhouses in fur coats and have engaging personalities and enjoy life to the full. Really, the opposite of me!
Hard to decide.A hawk because I love to fly, a horse, but only if I could come back as mine.or one of my snakes.
a fox. they are soooo cute!
A bald Eagle!

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