Thursday, July 30, 2009

Okay I need to earnmoney FAST?

alright i need to earn a hundred dollars fast like asap im not old enough for a job and its for a Chinchilla so im a bit crazy about them and i live in a small crappy town anything other than a carwash cuz i've tried that before
First, have a massive clean out of your room and sell everything you don't want, no matter how small. After that there are several things you could do.
Dog walking (advertise with posters)
Lawn mowing (as above)
Buy things from eBay, then sell them to people outside the internet for profit.
Help around the house.
add the amount you got from those to the amount you got selling stuff.
In response to the Mexico border thing, lol or you could have mexicans pay you to help them cross the border illegally (don't do that either).
If you have computer access, try selling something on ebay.
sell your body??..
try bakesale
Sell your ID
Babysitting, sell baked goods to neighbors, ask to help out around the house for a little extra money, mowing lawns.
Play lottery. Beat the carwash owner and steal his money. Play poker(on money bets). Sell useless stuff. Work for the carwash. Bake cookies and go sell them. Work hard. It will definitely be worth it. Chinchillas are cool.
***Do you live in a place near Mexico?(or any other town close to the US/Mexican border? Try growing the green stuff in your backyard(Joking here don't do that!).

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