Monday, May 24, 2010

Rabbit pooping problem?

I gave my sister a lionhead for her kids ,they love him but whenever they pick him up he poops all over and even pees on them is there a way to correct this?he is about 3 months old
Rabbits naturally hate being picked up it's because they are prey animals. In fact if handled incorrectly if it squirms it could break its back. I suggest you get her the book The House Rabbit Handbook by Marinell Harriman. it's an excellent resource
I have several rabbit recipes I can provide.
make rabbit stew
i have never hird of alionhead doing this but i do know what it means he douse not like the kids picking him up at all he knows it will get them to put him down if he goes on them. tell the kids to pet him whell he is in his cage for a bout 2 weeks then try to pick him up again and see if this fixes the prob its worht a try and will save some close cuz bunny pee stans
Maybe the kids are making him nervous or they are rough with the rabbit? Rabbits are very sensitive to noise and being man handled. Make sure the kids are quiet and gentle and see what happens. He could also have wet tail if his droppings are runny which require medicine and less roughage in his diet.
rabbits poop a LOT...I have a 10 lb lop myself. Rabbits can be potty trained, mine is. He is a house rabbit and only sleeps in his cage at night. I have many litter pans around the house, but he still drops presents occasionally. your rabbit is too young to realize pooping on people is wrong. Go to for further help. it is a fantastic website.
I have a pet rabbit too. Rabbits have a weird digestive tract. They have to eat plenty of high fiber foods all the time in order to keep themselves from getting a hairball lodged in their intestines (because a rabbit cannot vomit like a cat does). Thus, since a rabbit needs to eat plenty of vegetables and high fiber foods, they poop a lot!
I suggest trying to litter train your rabbit. Also, expect poop occasionally left behind on your floor. My rabbit hops around and sometimes poops at the same time!! I call her a "cocoa puff dispenser"! LOL! :-)

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