Saturday, May 22, 2010

Please read-all animal lovers!?

I just found out that sells and promotes **** fighting and dogfighting by selling videos and magazines. They think it is their right to sell them. I am asking everyone here to find another place to buy books, cds, dvd, etc. Please do not shop at
link below gives the full story.
here is the link to send an email to asking them to stop selling this crap.
Pass this along to whoever you know.
Dogfighting? Wow, I sure hope they'll stop it. Isn't dogfighting illegal? Why sell books and videos about it?
there a ss holes i will stop buyin from there and i will tell everyone i no to stop :( :)
Thank you, consider it done. I will not shop there ever again.
Thank god! I never shop at Amazon, and never will! How terrible it is that people and some organizations online don't care that animals need to be saved, and hurting them and forcing them to fight other dogs won't save anyone's life this way. I will definetaly spread the word, and I know for sure, that none of my friends shop at Amazon, as it is a bunch of LIES and CRAP. I love animals so much, but the fact that some online stores sells away DVDs for showing their owners how to train a dog to fight another dog is WRONG and totally pointless. These DVDs and cassettes are throwing these wonderful owners down the wrong path, and I think it's a terrible idea. I think Amazon should take all that garbage and throw it away for good, because that's terrible. Thanks for pointing that out!

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