Saturday, May 22, 2010

Punishing animals?

My dad sometimes spanks his pups if they make a mess. I find it really disturbing I try telling him but never listens to me. And I don't think the pups even know why he is spanking them. How do I make him stop?
A little tap on the a s s never hurt anybody.
the best way to discipline cats or dogs is with newspaper. just roll it up an hit something so it makes a noise. they will soon learn.
It's normal, and sometimes needed. I used to spank my pups if they did something wrong, but you have to do it the real way. You would grab the pup by the back of the neck (It won't hurt them) and you would usually put their nose wherever they made the mess, whatever it may be. As pups, the spankings should be lighter, but just enough to inform them that they've done something wrong, and you should always yell "No". They will notice the word and think about the spanking, and in soon time they will stop. Your father has probably had experience with dogs. It's the only way they'll learn, because unfortunately walking over and asking a pup politely to stop making a mess won't work.
I'm sorry that you've had to watch this, and no, they don't know why they are being hit, and will become increasingly withdrawn or aggressive with this training method. Could you buy your dad a book on more appropriate training methods? like clicker training or something similar? It really is important that he learns a better way, but sometimes parents assume their children don't know what's best.
Your dad is actually doing a good thing to help the pups learn while they are young, as long as the spanking isn't to hard, or else they might think of him as dad always spanks my dog Leroy when he is bad and he usually does it pretty hard, but when he is being good, my dog loves my dad and goes everywhere he goes and always lays in his lap and wants my dad to play fetch with him!!
Plus, Leroy now knows what he can and can't do and is very obediant!
Hope I helped!!
omg...rolled up newspaper is a waaaaaaaay bad idea, and spanking is so not needed and just plain wrong.
always train your dogs with "praise" for a good job, and many other humane ways to train. get your dad a booK or dvd on how to train puppies.
IT'S SO WRONG !!!!!!
Animals don't need to be hit. Ask him to roll up and paper and make noise and that should get them out of what they are doing. Are they puppies? Puppies do that. Spanking them or hitting them will make them scared of him. Just keep suggesting things to him. If you keep up maybe he will listen to you and get tired of you complaining to him. You might go to an obediace class and see if they have some brochures you might be able to give your dad. Ask him if he would like you to find them a new home since they are such a bother to him. You are awesome to be so concerned..
Hola, espero que leas algo de espa帽ol, porque mi escritura en ingl茅s es muy deficiente. No estoy de acuerdo con quienes dicen que una nalgada de vez en cuando es v谩lida, me parece que tu dady golpea fuerte a su mascota ya que de otra manera t煤 no te preocupar铆as. Te felicito por tu actitud ya que nadie tiene derecho a agredir a un animal que le acompa帽a. Lo que a m铆 me ha funcionado con una perrita muy agresiva es hablarle fuerte, condicionarla y cumplir el castigo que consiste en dejarla encerrada por un buen rato si no deja de ladrarle a los desconocidos que entran a la casa. Quienes no est谩n familiarizados con un trato respetuoso a las mascotas podr谩n decir que estoy exagerando, sin embargo quienes aman y respetan a los otros animales, saben que el hablar fuerte y seguro, junto con un aislamiento por un rato, funcionan.
Our obedience instructor told us that when a dog soes something wrong, you have 3 second to punish him or he wont know why he is punished.
first off OMg i can Not belive how many people are telling you to spank them All of you should be ashamed! there are diffrent methods other then abuse!
ok now that i got that out of my system. spanking is Not needed no is a rolled up newspaper. a lot of the time the dogs dont even know why your doing it because they have a short attention span. even if they haev a "guilty" look. most of the time that look is because your yelling. there are 2 books i would recomend that is a training method WithOut any abuse to the dog is Dr. Ian Dunbar's 2 books. Before and After you get your puppy. he also has a site online you can check i belive. he explains a Lot on all these myths try and get your dad to read it. but honestly you may not be able to stop him from doing what he wants... a lot of people are that way. sorry to say.
But Good Luck and if you need help or anything like that you can email me at
I can not believe that people are actually telling you that it is OK and good for the dog to be hit. If the dogs have done something wrong most trainers would say that you have a small window of time to correct them. Making a loud sound with your mouth like AAACK. Like the sound of a duck is what is used by professional trainers. The only way to correct them right after the unwanted behavior is to make a sound with your mouth. I have used this technique and it works. NEVER hit a dog. The dog will not understand. PLEASE go to a professional training web site and make copies of the instructions and give them to your Dad. Don't listen to all the ignorance of some of the people who wrote you, please.
Yeah...people say dogs don't even know why they're being spanked, because they went to the bathroom like an hour ago and then an hour later the owner is spanking they're like "WHAT? WHY ARE YOU SPANKING ME?" There's probably info online about it.
My grandfather was told by a dog train that when you train the dog it is good to discipline them, but never use your hand directly. If you use your hand directly, they can associate something like moving your hand towards them to pet them as a possible punishment that may occur. That is why the rolled up newspaper is used. Using the word "No" in association with soft discipline using the newspaper helps associate discipline with picking up the newspaper and saying "No". This helps prevent the dog from mistaking petting for doing something wrong. Dogs are smart and do learn when they are disciplined, but they need disciplined correctly. The discipline needs engrained when they are young. It is harder to train an older dog than it is a younger dog.

1 comment:

    IT'S SO WRONG !!!!!! I definitely agree with you! You don't have to hurt your pet when disciplining them! You don't love your pet if you do that. I hate those person whose fun of hurting pets!

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