Saturday, May 22, 2010

Puppy & Kitten Vaccination Questions?

I have an 8 month old puppy who has never had any vaccinations. What shots does he need to have to be caught up. I also have a cat who needs all of her shots also. She is a year old. What does she need to be caught up as well?? I am going to have my friend who is a vet tech, give them for me. I need to know which vaccines to buy.
Distemper Parvo 1st shot... 3 weeks later a booster which is good for one year. And rabies- it will be good for one year.
Dog only needs a Bordetella (VX against Kennel Cough if it is being bordered or groomed or exposed to ALOT of other dogs whom you may not know have been vaccinated.)
Cat: Indoor or outdoor?.. makes a dif!
Indoor: RCPP 1st shot... needs a boost in 3 wks then annually and rabies(good for 1 yr.)
RCPP- Vx for upper respiratory system. The three respiratory viruses that can also be inhaled by kittens cause varied symptoms from sneezing, runny eyes and nose, ulcers in the mouth, and pneumonia. Chlamydia, Rhinotracheitis, and Calici virus protection are all in the combination vaccine.
Outdoor: FELV/FIV (Feline Leukemia Virus and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus)-MUST BE TESTED FIRST.
Needs booster on FELV in 3 wks then annually.
Needs booster on FIV in 3 weeks.
Needs a 3rd shot/booster in 3 weeks, then annually after that(so its a series of 3 shots... not just 2 like FELV and RCPP!) and Rabies
Felv-Feline leukemia is the most common viral disease in cats. The virus is contracted either through the uterus in unborn kittens, through grooming, the bite of another cat, or contact from saliva and urine from an infected cat. The symptoms of this disease vary greatly from fever to forms of cancer. It is difficult to diagnose leukemia on the symptoms alone. Blood tests are valuable as an aid in diagnosing the disease but sometimes the virus can hide in the bone marrow of an infected cat for years with a negative leukemia test. Testing before vaccination is recommended. Cats with leukemia will have lowered immune systems and can remain carriers for life. Positive cats are susceptible to other infections due to a depressed immune system.
FIV- FIV attacks the cats body much like HIV (AIDS) does in humans. The symptoms vary depending on the cat but the immune system is always lowered. Positive cats never get rid of the virus and are susceptible to other conditions due to a depressed immune system. The virus is spread through the bite of another cat. Fortunately the incidence of FIV is not high for indoor cats.
Indoor/Outdoors cats or Indoor only cats w/ exposure to outdoor cats should get the RCPP, FELV/FIV, Rabies
Cats MUST BE TESTED before given the FELV/FIV and that can only be done by a vet... your vet tech friend cannot do that.
Also rabies is only recognized when administered by a vet. Your vet tech friend cannot do this either.
Rabies is required by law in canines but not in felines. Only recomended in felines incase they get bitten--- especially outdoor cats.
This is how it works in my clinic! If you need like a print out of this... lol you can email me... i allow email! I'll break it down for you! Sorry its so long I tried not to confuse you!
Just go to the vet and get them done, they'll know what to do. Also if you're friend is a vet tech they should know, so?
Your friend the vet tech should be able to tell you. Your dog needs his distemper combo vaccine as well as a bordatella vaccine. He will also need a Rabies vaccine, which has to be given by a vet for legal reasons. Has your cat been vaccinated before?? If not she needs her distemper combo vaccine, Feline leukemia vaccine and she will also need a rabies vaccine from a vet. I really recomend going to the vet to have all vaccinations done because that way you are sure of what they got, when they need it again, and most importantly what some side effects would be to look out for. Good luck.
The dog needs a Dhlpp every month for at least 3 months and he is overdue for a Rabies vaccine. I hope you have him on Heartworm medications now as well. Your cat needs a PRC vaccine now and it needs to be repeated in 3 to 4 weeks. She is also overdue for a rabies vaccine. The first rabies is suppose to be good for 1 year, then depending on the state you live in, the next could be good as long as 3 years.
your friend who is the vet tech, should know which ones you need, the dog will need its first puppy shots, %26 a rabies vaccine, %26 the cat will need its first kitten shots %26 depending how old your kitten is, also a rabies shot.
Well, your friend that is a Vet Tech should know what vaccines they need .. but in case he/she doesn't here's what they need:
your puppy that is 8 weeks old:
DHPP or DHLPP (Distemper Parvo vaccine)
When your pup is 9-10 weeks old it can also have a Bordetella vaccine which protects against Kennel Cough if it will need to be boarded at a kennel or if it will ever go to the groomers.
Also, when your pup is between 14 and 16 weeks old it needs it's first Rabies vaccine which is very important!
You cat:
FVRCP (Feline Distemper)
Feline Leukemia vaccine (If it is an outside cat or around other cats that ARE outside)
It's also a good idea to have an exam yearly .. and for a puppy it's important to keep their shots up to date which means every 4 weeks until they have reached their last set!
Hope this helps!
First examination, first (of 3) DHLPP vaccination. This is the distemper multiple 5 in 1 vaccine. It protects against Canine Distemper, Hepatitis, Leptospirosis, Parainfluenza, and Parvovirus. Bring a stool sample so we may check for intestinal parasites.
Second DHLPP booster and exam. This is done 3-4 weeks after the first vaccine. A second fecal exam should be performed.
Third (and final) DHLPP booster and exam. This is done 3-4 weeks after the second booster. This vaccine will last for 1 year and will then need to be boostered annually. This booster concludes the series of routine puppy vaccinations. If a puppy starts the series at an early age, 4 vaccines may be needed; if it starts at a later age, only 2 vaccines may be needed in the series.
Lyme Disease
Also start on a heartworm medications, and meds to control flea and ticks.
Hope this helps!

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