Monday, May 24, 2010

Rabbit Keeps Scratching Like There Is No Hay In The Hay Rack?

why does my rabbit keep scratching like she is trying to get hay but when she gets it she just sets it down and keeps acting like she cant get any.? She Does It Every Single Night What's Wrong With Her.?
Digging is a natural reflex in rabbits. In the wild, the rabbit would dig a burrow and call that home. We've taken the rabbits out of the wild and put them in cages, but that drive to dig a "home" is still there. I have 40 rabbits, and most of them dig in the corners of their cages.
she is doing a typical nesting behavior, leave her be, she's fine.
I dunno.. Take a video stick it on youtube. Wahtever it is it aint nothing serious...
Sounds like nesting. My rabbit also pulls out some of her fur and lines her nest with it. I feel horrible when I have to clean out her hutch and destroy her hard work!

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