Monday, May 24, 2010

Rabbit had babies and there is blood?

I rehomed a rabbit around 9 weeks ago and I have had alot of problems with her. She made a nest the night I got her and after two weeks I was advised to take it out as she had really messed it up.
3 weeks after that a massive dead baby arriaved and she had not cleaned herself so I bathed her and she was very swollen down there. The following morning I found yet another deforemed dead baby in her litter tray. This was 4 weeks ago an this morning I saw lots of hair in her hutch again and just thought she had another false one then I saw some blood, But the hair is moving.
all advise is welcome.
no silly coments though.
I got her from a breeder that was miss treating her, I have NOT bred her.
thank you
something is very wrong with her pregnancy, give her some parsely, and lavender that will get her to deliever anymore dead babies,
call the animial hospitial

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