Friday, May 8, 2009

My rabbit ate candle wax. . . worrying?

Guess my rabbit must've been hungry because he bit a chunk of a scented candle. Is candle wax harmful to rabbits?
Of course the BEST thing to do is to contact your vet. But before you do, you should know if the wax is made of paraffin or soy, beeswax, vegetables, etc. If you know the brand of the candle, you can go to the website for them and check. I know some candles smell good enough to eat...poor bunny, just didn't realize it wasn't real food.
The candles that are made for vegetables must not be harmful because a friend of mine's dog ate half of the Chocolate scented candle she had! Luckily the candle was not lit! But her dog had no problems.but I am sure the website doesn't claim that it is consummable!
Hope bunny is felling well.
Well no the wax isn't but the stuff from the scent might be

My rabbit .?

when i try to stroke or hold my baby rabbit he runs away from me,
how can i stop him from running away from me, how can i get him to trust me?
Keep spending time with your rabbit. Yes, carry and pet your rabbit at small intervals at first. Occasionally hand feed him. Eventually he will learn to trust you. Once he feels safe and that he can trust you, he won't run away.
When I first brought my rabbit home from the animal shelter, she wasn't very friendly and she wouldn't let me carry her for more than 10 seconds at a time. She would often bite and growl at me. I started out slow by petting her and picking her up for short periods of time. I was always in her face actually. Eventually she learned to trust me and now she behaves more like a dog; she follows me all over the place and she comes when I call her. I can also carry her for long periods of time.
Just be patient and gentle with your baby rabbit. He'll come around.
Best wishes!
Its a rabbit, not a dog. Naturally they will fear humans... just keep trying to show it love until it builds trust.
carry food with you so it will come to you....if it likes leaves and veggies then hold that up.....try not to over feed it though and soon enough it will get used to you carrying it.i tried it with my friends bunny and i just kept holding up leaves and stuff like that and it worked.....just make sure those leaves are not poisonous..
I don't know how, but try making your hands smell like its favorite meal, perhaps by rubbing it on?
Try letting him or her sniff your hand first. it will build up trust.
hangout with it spend time with it oh here ya good get it a little kitty collar and leach and take it for walks in the yard. it will learn that you are there for love ..
here see if any of this will help you and your rabbit child
Good luck I hope you and your bunny have a very long and happy life together
Bring food everyday. Then watch him. After a few days, while he is eating, slowly pet him. It really requires patience.

Best of luck! ^-^
baby rabbits are often very skittish and unsure of being held, sit down when holding it, allowing it to sit firmly in your lap
when picking it up make sure you support the hind end of the bunny.
hold the bunny for short periods of time and increase that time every day or 2
depending on how it does.
Don't rush it or you will only scare it more

My puppy killed my bunny?

my puppy killed my bunny he did not mean to he whent after my bunny till he died see my bunny was in the backyard and my mom put my dogs out there my dog tigger loved that bunny but lenny killed him:( and i cant get over him i cry all day long see i love anamils so much i dont eat meat and i would never harm a animal i save animals not kill them i saved my bunny he was a runt in the bunny family so i took him home because i did not whan't something to eat him i had him for like thee years and i cant get over help me get over it :(
I know it hurts. But you've have done a lot of good for other animals and will continue to do so. It's like losing a family member. But eventually you will move on only remembering the good time he had. And I positive your bunny went to rainbow bridge where he is happy and waiting to once again be with you.

The Story of Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals that had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.
-- Author Unknown
i know this is really tough, i just lost my own bunny. but you gotta think of all the good memories and how you saved his life and gave him a good happy full life!
It's not your fault the dog ate the bunny. It was an accident. Bunnies are what dogs are supposed to eat. Dog was just following his instinct.
You'll feel sad for a while but you shouldn't feel guilty.
Sorry about your bunny.
time is what you need to ease your pain,
I am sorry for your loss
I hope you feel a little better soon
Well, just know it's not your fault and your dog didn't mean to. Just remember all the happy thoughts about him, and remember if you took good care of him he lived his life happily on earth, and is happy in bunny heaven now! You can always save another rabbit in his honor. Thats so sad, and I'm sorry about your bunny, :*(.
Ohh dont worry my dog ate my parrot and when we talked to the vet and sometimes the dog may think the bunny could have a been a toy one way to solve it is to buy him toys and he could entertain himself.But they bunny knows you loved him and dont blame youreself its wasent you fault or the dog he just didnet know. :(
Well If you like, i have an adorable gray and white rabbit. shes a dwarf rabbit. her name is TINY. she is very hyper n active. if you want her you can have her. she is also 3 years old.
im serious you can even contact me.
i got her after my old white rabbit died
i love animals too
Sorry about your little rabbit
This is quite tough I lost my dog a few months ago too, but don't worry your bunny is in a better place. As you can see he was a runt in the bunny family like you said, he could've gotten hurt or died a long time ago, but you gave him the best 3 years of his life and I'm pretty sure you did. He really didn't want to leave but it's his time to go. Everything has to go sometime. But you definately gave him the best of his life.
I hope it helps, don't cry and be sad anymore, even if you cry everyday and night, it wouldn't get him to come back, so just be happy. =)
Kevin =D
Accidents happen, I am sure your puppy didn't mean to hurt the rabbit.
This sort of thing happened to me over four years ago when my ferrets got out, and my dog tried to get them back into the cage. There was no teeth marks or any damage to the ferrets, they just died of a heart attack.
I now am careful with my dog and the other animal members of my house. Making sure they are watched if they are together for any reason.
Don't be so hard on yourself, I am sure you loved that bunny, and were a good owner. Just remember you gave him the best home. And that he was loved always. Virtual hugs going out to you.

My puppy is 6 months old and I'm getting her spayed?

My sister got her puppy spayed at six months old, too. She says I should get my puppy an IV. Should I? I mean, what will it do for (or to) her?
The IV will keep her hydrated during the surgery and will also provide an open line if needed for emergency procedures.
The vets I work for don't require it, but if asked candidly, love having it in place.
Remember you have fasted her prior, so the fluids being run help her feel better than she would otherwise when she wakes up.
It is an option, but a good one and fairly inexpensive.
For what? Your dog will be under anesthesia during the procedure and will be watched carefully as she comes out of it. Only then will you be allowed to take her home. The vet will give you pain meds and info on making sure the sutures are healing properly and when/if you need to go back to have them removed. Spaying is routine surgery, complications are very rare, and most dogs are 100% back to routine in less than 1 day. Ask your vet all these questions, but I'm sure he/she will confirm your fears. Your pup will be fine. Thank you for spaying your dog and helping us to control the pet overpopulation problem!

EDIT: for some reason I thought you meant AFTER the operation-at home- boy do I feel like a dummy! Of course the others suggesting it's an option are 100% correct. Maybe I should think more before I answer...LOL
She will be fine a bit drowsy, she will be a lot calmer. THat is preety much it, 6 months is a good age, hope everything goes well. Check the Banfield site they might have some more info.
your pup does not need a iv,it is just a waste of your money,your pup well stay at the vets until it is safe for ir to go home,,
Good for you for deciding to get your puppy spayed!! If you want to pay a little extra money for an IV and fluids you should ask the vet to do it for you. They usually put people on IV fluids during surgery, especially for something like an Ovarian hysterectomy. IV fluids will ensure that your puppies blood pressure will remain at a normal level during surgery. And it also allows easy access to her vein. If something were to happen while she is under anesthesia they would be able to quickly administer the proper medications. You can talk to your veterinarian about it more before you have the surgery done. Your vet will be able to give you the best answer. Good luck with your pup!
The IV is something the vets will offer you during your pups surgery. You don't have to have it, but you can. The vet will tell you everything they reccomend for your dog, although, you, are the ultimate decider in much of what they use during surgery(like an IV and thinks that are non essential.)
Good for yoy for spaying your puppy! She'll be fine!
At our practice an IV is not an option, but a critical necessity! If something should go wrong, you need a vein immediately to initiate treatment. Also, dehyration and low blood pressure can damage the kidneys--keeping fluids going during surgery supports the body systems. IV's, pain medication, intubation, and monitoring equipment are not routine in low cost clinics--they cut corners in many areas in order to save money, at the risk of pet health.

My puppy came home from the kennel and does not seem so playful. Whats up?

Maybe she/he's not very happy with you right now for leaving her behind, but she'll soon be her happy self once more. Just play with her, show her you're not leaving again anytime soon. She'll be fine!
We found out my puppy got a urine infection from the kennel when we brought her home again - and we'd only left her there for a few days. So much for them being sanitary.
the puppy is used to have friends and neighbours he is a bit home sick give him things to play with
How old is it? Is its stomach bloated and hard? Its got worms . . . or he could have picked up something else. Take him to the vet if it's nose gets hot and dry.
Give him lots of love and hugs and kisses. It is so hard for this little baby to get used to you. He will.
The puppy is probably traumatized, he has a new home and isn't quite sure about it yet. Give him lots of love and attention, and he will know he has a loving home. If he fails to perk up, take him to the vet. Congratulations on your new addition.

My pig just pooed on my hair what should I do to get it out?

First,keep your head out of the pigs ***,then wash it.
take a shower and use shampoo
oh the image...stop it...I can't laugh hurts!
Forget the hair-you should probably ask yourself why you have a pig on your head.
Umm may i ask how this happened? Lol this is a strange question. Well you should use a lot of good smelling shampoo and in the future keep your head away from the pigs booty!

My pets' name...?

i have 2 hamsters(kinda mouse) they r 2 months old.i cant choose name for'em 1 is male and the other is female,suggest names please..tnx alot
Ben %26 Jerry (that can be a girl's name!)
Sid %26 Nancy
Peanut butter and Jelly
For Hamster Couples

-Mickey %26 Minnie
-Salt %26 Pepper
-Chip %26 Dale
-Tom %26 Jerry
-Milk %26 Honey
-Tarzan %26 Jane
-Perry %26 Winkle
-Itsy %26 Bitsy
-KiKi %26 Lala
-Kitty %26 Daniel
-Cleopatra %26 Caesar
-Roly %26 Poly
-Romeo %26 Juliet
-Slyvester %26 Tweety
-Snoopy %26 Woodstock
-Coffee %26 Tea
-Adam %26 Eve
-Bonnie %26 Clyde
-Barbie %26 Ken
-Tweedle Dee %26 Tweedle Dum
-Bacon %26 Eggs
-Teeny %26 Tiny
-Stars %26 Stripes
-Bambi %26 Thumper
-Sugar %26 Spice
-Sugar %26 Can
-Banana %26 Nut
-Kibbles %26 Bits
-Skittles %26 Rainbow
-Dexter %26 Diddie
-Pooh %26 Piglet
-Snow %26 Ice
-Daisy %26 Donald
- Mulder %26 Scully
For a mother hamster
- Big Mama
Top 10 hamster names
1: Squirt
2: Hammy
3: Spiffy
4: Daisy (replaced by the name they thought)
5: Kimba
6: Chomps
7: Godzilla
8: Snicker
9: Skittel
10: Ruffels
1. Gingersnap
2. Twinkle
3. Captain
4. Foxy
5. Chance
6. Pepsy
7. Biscuit
8. Sliver
9. Toffee
10. Tex
By Kelly
1)hammy(my hamster's name)
these are the names that are best for a hamster in my opinion.
becky burgoyne
1)Chippy (Chip)
2)Lil' Fizz
3)Baby Doll
8)Fat Bear (Fattie)
9)Roll Over
10)Curious George
1. frenchie
3.anne frank
8.cici me
- BillaBongBabe539

2. Babes
3. Chip
4. Shawn
5. Kane
6. Whitney
7. Kate
8. Andrew, Jr.
9. Dale
AngelRae1274 thanks!
1. Timbit
7. Gadget
By: Yvonne Love the names!
from: Minithecat3
- Sam
Top Hamster Names
1) Marshmallow
2) Nibbles
3) Princess
4) Zig Zag
5) Stinky
6) Zippy
7) Dippy
8) Drippy
9) Tippy
10) Doc H.
- Jamie
My Top ten names
- Stephanie Turik
heart breaker
peaches`n cream
- Brigitte
- Ashley

1. Tipsy
2. Tabitha
3. Sally
4. Trixie
5. Holly
6. Napolean Dynamite
7. Weezie
8.The Fuzz
9. Keno
10. Wookie
10) Tom
9) Mindy
8) Emmy
7) Tennesee (Tinny for short)
6) Trixy
5) Ellie
4) Boo
3) Bandaid
2) Sue
1) Elephant (like on Little Bill)
Cindy and Elephant
My Fave Hamster Names
17-Speedy Gonzalez
24-Wolf Eyes
25-Peanut Head
By Amanda Maldonado
1. Beannie
2. Droopy
3. Frizzy
4. Squiggy
5. Digger
6. Cuddles
7. Sweetie
8. Reese
9. Chocolate
10. Cheezy
from: Jessica

1. Cinnamon (Cinny)
2. Sugar
3. Hammie
4. Brownie
5. Snickers
6. Sage
7. Krista
8. Candie
9. Pinkie
10. Babie
By: Brittany B.
1.Cherry (Maddi's hampster's name)
3.cherry tree
by:Maddi Kaye
My top ten hamster names
1) Ginger baby - (my hamster)
2) Cinnaman
3) Pumpkin
4) Peanut
5) Cheeks
6) Butterscoth
7) Chubby
8) Muffin
9) Snowball
10) Nibbles
Holly :)
Here are my top 10 names
1. Ruffles
2. Jellybean
3. Oreo
4. Skittle
5. Star
6. Mini
7. Dorito
8. Snicker
9. Lucky
10. Domino
without a doubt!
1. Sparkey KaBoom
2. Scratchy McScratch
3. Chubby Brown Cheeks
4. Mowgli
5. Clarence
6. Nutty Nut Nut
7. Nibbles
8. Hucummakumawa
9. Mojo jojo
10. Hamster McCage
Dawn And Donna, the best hamster namers in the world! or universe!
1) Snoopy
2) Cody
3) Dale
4) Sk8er
5) Velvet
6) Tre Cool
7) Roxy
8) M00fin
9) Daler
10) Stinky Pete
By The Happy Giraffe 16!!! :D
1. Chido
2. Hug
4. Boppy
5. Rex (T-rex)
Teri %26 Jerry /Bonnie %26 Clyde/Hope %26 Joy/Happy %26 Star
you could use the 1st
Elise and Elroy
May/Meg and Max
Sandy and Seth or Spike and Sandy

you get the idea!
Killer and Snowball
Frankie and Benny
Frank and Ginger
Mr %26 Mrs
Him %26 Her
Posh %26 Becks
how about
seperate %26 cages

so they dont reproduce
call the girl tequila and the boy slammer. tequila slammer get it
Rupert and Fauntleroy.

My Pet is dying?

I have a pet smurf, Little smurfy is only 9 weeks old. He my friend's glass eye. And some bad clam's. I named him Smurfy beacause he is a smurf. I will be very upset after he passes.
RIP Little Smurf
Will you please invite me to the funeral.
oh haha
A smurf?
Friends and family we are gathered together to put little Smurf out of his misery from being rolled around all over the place gathering lint while he lay helpless screaming for others to wash him off and clean him up with a lintfree glass cleaner. Rest in peace little Smurf.
maybe he is depressed, is he a little blue lately
xxx vici
well if he ate a glass eye then it will pass through and a smurf wtf is that?? oh well i will still help you...bad clams well that will also pass through with a help from you and lots of puking make shure he drinks alot of water
ooo poor him buy another one so you can substitute "little smurf"
You should have a necropsy done, find out if it was the glass eye or the poison clams that killed your Smurfy... Then you know how to avoid such an untimely demise in the future..
What you need is closure. A proper funeral service will give you and your family the opportunity to grieve. Don't worry, another Smurf or tiny blue figurine will come into your life and bring you lots of joy. You will only be sad for a while, and then you will be able to remember the good times. Every Smurf has to move on to the big Smurf Heaven in the Sky.
This is just so upsetting.....='(
You're dispicable! Absolutely the lowest of the low! You had a very young and very special creature in your care and you've been irresponsible and ignorant to its needs! Do you have ANY idea that a Smurf that young needs your full attention 24hours a day until it's AT LEAST 3 years old? Your ignorance shows no bounds, you should be locked up! It's pretty obvious that to take on such a responsibility you need to know what you're getting yourself in to! You're a great big prick! A spoon! A flippin gert big floppy flange! Damn you! That Smurf depended on you and you've let it down, may you rot in the pit you came from you HEATHEN!!

That's it... thanks for listening...

My pet elephant keeps trying to trample me with her feet?

please help me how can i stop this!
get it 2 pairs of soft fuzzy slippers then it might not hurt so bad
Where do you people get elephants from? It's illegal to keep them as pets!
Get rid of the elephant.
I don't trample lol. Wanna keep me as your pet ;-)
Note: I have a long trunk too but not exactly on my face.
get a mouse sound an when ever she trys to stamp on you play the sound or scream lool good luck :D
what. are you doing with an elephant... ?
wait... I don't wanna know
First of all, what a pet. Second of all, that's what elephants do! And third of all, I hope you don't get stepped from it! lol.

My pet cockroach died and I'm wondering where I can take it to get it cloned?

That WAS the clone. He was among thousands of clones. The original is still in your house somewhere. Catch each one and look for the identifying clone number on the left antennae. When you find the one withOUT the identifying number, then you have found the original and can clone it. DO NOT attempt to clone a clone as it will grow to a foot long and bite your head off when you fall asleep. You MUST find the original, so be diligent in your search!
My ex boyfriend's house.
Mephetores Lab
2nd Storey
Flinders Lane
Auckland, NZ
Ask for Johann
Read "The House of Scorpion"

My parents are contemplating giving my rabbits away! Help!?

Nobody is willing to take them in so they'll be caged for the rest of their lives. I dont lock them up in a cage. Should i euthanize them instead?
Well, why don't you compromise? Get them a large safe cage, and just let them out for exercise every day. Maybe your parents don't like the rabbits running loose and damaging things? What is the reason? Rabbits may not do well outside if exposed to hot temperature or other animals that could hurt them.
And vets do NOT euthanize rabbits that way as stated above! That is horrible! At our hospital rabbits are anesthetized first, which is gentle and fast, then they are given an injection that only takes a few seconds to work. They are asleep and never knew what happened.
tell them noooooooooooo
NO! do not euthanize your bunnies! do you really think death is better than finding some one else to care and love them? if so, then you are a rabbit rescue organization to take your poor bunnies and give them to some one that will love them and care for them
Your parents have their reasons...discuss maybe some other options, and in the meanwhile, look for a nice home, maybe an ad in the paper or the internet. Euthanizing rabbits is an awful process. I work in an animal hospital, and I had to help put one down. The vet had to inject the beuthanasia directly into the heart, and it takes rabbits to die that way for about a half hour. The rabbit screamed the whole time. Do you really want that to happen, because you can't have them? Don't be selfish- at the least, contact animal control and take them to the shelter.
I'm afraid I don't really understand. First you say your parents want to give your rabbits away, then you say they want to put them in a cage outside, which you are against. I'm not clear on what the actual problem your parents have with your rabbits is. If I knew that, I might be able to suggest ways you could correct it so that they might let you keep the rabbits or keep them indoors, whichever the issue is.
I do not believe that you should euthanize the rabbits just because you are afraid that they might be abused in their new home. If you can't work something out with your parents where you can keep the rabbits and you really can't find a good home for them after trying every option, try to locate a no-kill shelter in your area and see if they can take the rabbits or direct you to someone who can. Killing you rabbits, even humanely, just to keep them from possibly being abused is not responsible.

My next door neighbor has a lion in her basement; she keeps asking me to come over + feed it. What do I do?

She says she has an elastic band around its mouth so he can't open up wide enough to bite.
Haha. My advice is to push her into the basement and lock the door.
[Funny how some people take EVERYTHING seriously... It's a joke :D.]
Oh, go feed it, it won't bite! Remember, the rubber band around his mouth? Good luck!
hahahahahahahahahaha...thats a funny one...?
Okay u get your damn shot gun incase of emergency if it bites blow away at it
H'vu thought about politely declining and as you turn away, rolling your eyes and muttering under your breath "Wow my neighbor is weird who would want a pet lion." ?
i wouldnt trust that. i would move away , far far away. and is that even legal? yea move and fast.
Either you are putting us on or your neighbor is putting you on.
If by some freak chance, your neighbor does have a wild animal in her basement, you need to call code encorcement or your local Animal Services - NOW!
Boy, Some life that beautiful beast must be having living in a basement. I would call the wildlife enforcement officers. Sounds like cruelty to animals to me.
I don't think that's very nice how's the poor thing going to eat? You should take the rubber band off before you feed it. Oh I best go I need to feed my Tigers! All the best;^)
you're definitely full of bs
Report her to the authorities for animal cruelty. This is not a proper habitat for a lion and to keep a plastic band around its mouth is yet cruel again. She probably does not have proper license to keep this kind of animal. For the sake of this beautiful creature, report her. 2
Well, it might have an elastic band around it's mouth and that's good, but what about it's claws? Oh, silly me! I would imagine she put socks on this feet.
pet it first, make friends with it. the rubber band will hold, i believe thats what they do at the zoo!! lol and i will do you the favor of telling you that my 9 year old daughter read this question and almost passed out
NO ..she said come over and feed her large pussie!
she was coming on to you!

My new rabbit..?

I just got a rabbit a month ago! He is a mini rex named Hala-Kahiki (which means pineapple in hawiian) but he goes by HiKi( cause no one in my family except me can pronounce his name right) He is an indoor rabbit. My mother bought the biggest cage from the petstore for him!! It's soooooo huge!! He loves it! I used to have a mini rex and a mini lop but last year they both passed away!! I love my new bunny a ton but I don't feel quite as much luv for him as I did for my first mini rex KoKo. Does anyone else feel this way about not luving a second pet as much as the first? I treat my rabbit like a dog. Do you? KoKo was little boxed trained but Hiki just goes where he pleases. Can someone give me tips on how to litter train him? because KoKo just sorta taught herself!! Other than veggies what treats do u give ur bunny? KoKo luved carrots but Hiki doesn't like them much and I need new treat suggestions!
鈾es鈾?!-- Question-to-best answer
Hey Jes, We trained our rabbit by putting it's poo in the litter tray and eventually they got the idea... I'm glad you have a lovely bunny, we have 2 dwarf lops and they are very nasty. We think they must have been handled badly before we got them but they have lots of toys and each other for company and they are happy as long as I am not trying to cuddle them, they don't like to be bothered by me!
Seriously, and inside rabbit?! Lol who keeps them outside? That's no way to keep them very long.
Hey, i have a rabbit and he loves eating carrotts,tomatoes,cabbage,pepp... like fresh vegtables.x

My neighbors dog killed my cat?

we had it for less than a month, and it was the first time he left our yard. im now worried about the temperment of that dog. our kids play with their kids everyday, should i be worried the dog might attack one of my kids?
Dogs are natural chasers, its not that they hate cats just that they see fast movement and want to pursue and track down, for possible food or play. Its a wild instinct still left within them from previous generations. If you don't want to worry about your kids talk to your neighbor and get the kids to introduce themselves to the dog, ask the owner of the dog if it would be alright for the kids to give the dog healthy treats every so often to build trust. Sorry to hear about your cat but it would be advised to keep the cat indoor, it is more of a threat to bring home, lice, fleas, rabies, and parasites to your kids than the fenced neighbor dog is to maul them.
YES - this is why cat should be indoors!
Dogs are cat assassins. If your cat was in the dogs yard that's going to happen. Your kids are safe as the dog is used to them playing with the dog's kids.
The dog should have an enclosed area and should not be allowed to run loose. It's horrible what was done...have you not talked to your neighbor about putting the dog up or calling the police to file a report? I suggest if you get another cat, that it should strictly be an indoor cat. I have never understood people that let their pets run loose to get into trouble or get hurt! It's really senseless. I don't think it's the dogs fault, it's the owners fault for not taking proper care to keep the dog contained and happy and away from doing harm to others. The owner should be held responsible for what the dog did. Yes, I would be worried about my kids and I'd not let them go out there until the dog was contained.
P.S. My dog protects/sleeps with our cat and loves our cat...not all dogs are aggressive toward cats or others.
poor cat i think you have a right to be worried my dog turned around and bit me on the leg and i now can't go near him i want to but i can't
To many dogs, a cat is a prey animal and thier instinct is to chase and kill it, like your cat would kill a mouse.
Do your neighbors keep the dog fenced in? If not I would be worried as it shows irresponsibility on your neighbors part. I would also be worried if the dog is not neutered. Most dog attacks occur from unnutered males. Also, if the dog is on a chain all day long it may attack if it feels threatened as it has no where to run to.
I would make sure your kids know how to be safe around dogs. Make sure you kids know not to go near a dog that is growling, not to go near a dog that is eating, not to take away it's bone, not to hit it, pull it's tail, ect. When a dog attacks, it's usually because the kids were doing something they should have been taught not to do in the first place.
I would also talk with your neighbors about your concerns.
If the dog is neutered, up to date on shots, confined to it's yard, and your kids only play with it when you are there to supervise, I don't see a problem. Many dogs kill small animals and are still very friendly to people.
Thats terrible. I can sympathise with you here as this same thing has happened to one of my cats. Our neighbours dog got out of its yard and attacked my cat just feet away from the cat door. I was devastated. It was the second time this dog had gotten out, it killed a guinea-pig in our backyard as well. I was very angry at first as the owners didn't seem to give a rats a#$. This was a case of irresponsible dog ownership as the poor dog was in a small backyard and never walked. It was not the dogs fault...even though i was mad at the dog as well!
Did the accident happen in the neighbours yard? If so, this would be a very normal reaction for some dogs. Just because a dog sees cats as potential prey does not automatically mean that the dog will see children as prey as well. All children should always be supervised with any dog, but just because it killed your cat does not mean that it will go after your kids.
If you are considering another cat, keep it indoors or set up an outdoor enclosed cat run (or both). That way, this kind of thing will not be able to happen again.
My new cat is strictly indoors and she does not suffer for it. She is a very happy, healthy kitty.
My condolences for the loss of your kitty.

My neighbors are abusing their animals (Please help ) ?

I'm living in neighbors in front of my are abusing their dogs..let me tell you what they do:
1. They do not feed them as often as they should ( I even put food outside my yard for them since I know my neighbors don't feed them )
2. What they do is when they get angry at the dogs for some reason, either the wife or the husband ( I haven't seen the kids do anything ) will go and literally grab them by the collar and spin the dogs in the air. This has been happening for years. Their old dog died already because of that, and the dog they have now has a broken leg because the lady threw him and my mother told me about that while I was at school. The dog comes to eat at our house then goes back....Also they have been charged before because one of their dogs got crazy and killed another neighbors the way they dont even keep their dogs in their yard neither!
I want to report them for the safety of their dogs..what shall I do. I dont want anyone to know
Pictures, pictures, pictures! As 'stalkerish' as this sounds, grab your camera and stake out their house. If you have a video camera, use it. Take pictures of the dog's condition while they are away from the house, and if the dog is left outside without shelter, food, or water, snap photos! Put together a dog abuse portfolio, and see if you can snap a few pics of them spinning the dog, and any other kind of abuse.

Something that may sound cruel, is stop putting food out for him. Just long enough for his ribs to show, or even his spinal cord, if they feed him that little. If the animal rescue comes to investigate the situation, and the dog seems healthy, they might not credit it enough. You can resort to taking pictures of how thin he is and DATE EVERYTHING. Look up the legal aspects of the pet laws in your area. I live in texas too, and in Harris County it is illegal to have a loose dog, and he will be impounded.
You say the dog's leg is broken. Did they take him to the vet? Is it a clean break, or is there bone protruding? Again, TAKE PICTURES. Take the portfolio to the local breed rescue, as well as the spca. Tell them the story, and take your mom with you as witness. See if your other neighbors will sign a statement about the treatment of the dog. Signed statements and pictures will get that dog, and possibly any other animal out of those people's hands. A hefty fee could be included.

GOOD LUCK! keep me posted on how things go if you start taking action. You can contact me through email, and I check it daily. Let me know if you want me to help you do any kind of legal research or anything, I am a very avid animal person.
report them to the spca
Call the police. They have a special unit that attends to these matters. You don't have to identify yourself. If you're worried your neighbors might find out. Call from a random phone or a friends cell phone.
if you don't want anyone to know you can call the ASPCA anonymously and have them check it out.
I dont know what the animal care society is called in Texas but thats where you need to call. and that as soon as possible. if you are afraid that your neighbour might come after you for setting him off, dont worry as you can stay anomynous. the pet rescue will call out to your neighbour and assess the situation and if needed take the animals to get treated. don't loose those animals precious time and ring straight away!! PLEASE!!!
Call the cops -don't leave your name.
get your phone book and find an animal protection agency and call them up, I live in canada and here they will often transfer you to a goverment office that deals with animal abuse. see what they have to say, and mention you want to stay anonymous, they should be able to help you no problem. Try the following links
Next time you see the abuse happening, call the police; they will either respond (because it IS animal cruelty, which is a felony), or they'll refer you to your local animal protection agency.
The problem is, being a Good Samaritan doesn't always allow you to stay anonymous. If you REALLY care about what's going on with those animals, you may need to speak up and not be afraid of what the neighbors think.
The innocent should NEVER suffer at the hands of the ignorant.
Contact Animal Control and possibly the police. If you've seen them abusing their dogs they should be able to do something. Animal control is not supposed to tell who turned them in.
I've got a similar situation except my neighbor's dogs are just plain neglected instead of abused and we've called Animal Control numerous times on them and they keep telling us that they can't do much because we're outside city limits and that they can only take dogs away because of abuse and not neglect. Very frustrating to say the least.
I hope Animal Control is willing and able to do something about your neighbors and sorry you have to live next to people like that.
Please call the SPCA or something just think about how thosre poor dogs feal
cause the pound and tell them what you have seen they should take the dogs and they may not be able to have dogs or any animals anymore
You need to find out who our Animal Control officer in your county is and/or report them to your local Humane Society or SPCA. The shelters will know who handles abuse complaints in your area.
Good luck!
call the police and get pics also. this will help against them. the are sick terrible people!

My neighbor...can we charge anything against him?

he hates us .. he really hates our dogs. they bark at him [not visciously] when he goes up our [shared] driveway. but they bark at everyone, even us and our other neighbors.. i think they dont like gates and my bro's bedroom is down in the basement and they bark at him when he goesdown... but our neighbor thinks we set them out to bark at him on purpose, when we dont [we have a doggie door.. so yeah and noise they jo running out...]
and heres why i want to call the POLICE ON HIM.. he's set firecrackers off in our driveway/his yard to scare the dogs [and it doesnt], he's set them out of our yard [i walk hom from school and only bottom of gate is open,,[dogs cant open gate that way, i can barely open my gate!] he has told us 'nice job on your lawn, can you work on your dogs now?'
he used to /still might work at an animal testing center where they test crap on animals and has had his share of annoying pets.
but can we charge him on hte fireworks/anything?if not what should we do?
Harassment...if he continues to antagonize your animals and set off fire crackers near them you can charge him with harassment. He is being an *** so see if you can also get him on a noise complaint for the fire crackers all the time. I would have also charged him with auto theft when the motorcycle went missing. Good Luck... it will more than likely get harder before ti gets better.
DEpends on which state you live in. and it also depends if he was on your property and also you might be able to complain to your town hall or city office. Find out. Good luck
im sorry but im lost. firecrackers? motorcycles? dogs?
I don't agree with his methods at all but from his perspective, I would not like being barked at every time I walked up my own driveway. I think you need to find a way to address the barking problem. Just because it does not bother you or that the dogs bark at everyone does not mean it isn't disturbing to some people. It's part of being a good neighbor. And he can file a barking dog complaint against you - and that would solve nothing - it would just make it worse.
My friend had very good luck with citronella collars to control her dog from barking at passers-by. I'd try it and let your neighbor know you're trying to resolve the problem.
He may be a jerk but you should always try and take the high road.
Sounds like a REAL JERK! Im not sure if you can press charges or not...why don't you put a lock on the gate to make sure your dogs can't get out. To ensure the safety of your dogs work with them on their barking. Im not blaming you...but you should be safe than sorry. You can get anti bark collars, they now make them without hurting the dogs. Hope this helps...but I would not be surprised if you will eventually have to call the cops on him,
i think you can go 2 peoples court or something or charge him for releasing your dogs. good luck with your dogs!
as far as your dog barking at him ... I dont think you can do anything, if he throws fireworks in your yard you would still have to prove it. Sorry to say you may find that it is up to you to control the dogs and he may beable to call the pound if he feels threatened by them..I would try to limit the contact he has with the dogs and just try to get along... you both have to live there.
Most cities have laws against setting off fireworks in residential areas, not to mention that he is intentionally antagonizing your dogs. I would at least file a complaint with the police department, so that if he ever does anything else it is documented that you've contacted the police before.
You can try to lodge a complaint. It really depends on your local police department. You can always call them up and ask them because they can only say no. You will not be any worse off.
congrats. u hve a sick man who lives next door to you.. i am totally against animal testing.
I don't think I would care for dogs constantly barking at me either, but the fireworks are JUST WRONG!
Why don't you block the dog door, and limit the time they are outdoors.
This would solve them barking at him, AND protect them from him.
Okay, I'm dealing with this situation right now! My neighbors and I share a driveway, and we have to go past their house to get to ours. They have these two dogs that chase our car endlesselly, jump, bark, and are sooooo annoying. To be honest, I get out and chase and yell at them. I even kicked the big one once. They'll get the hint for a while but start it up again once they forget about me getting out. I think you should put your dogs on a leash if you're not out there to be with them. However, if the yard is completely fenced and all they do is bark, just ignore the fact that your dogs are loud. The reason I don't like our neighbors dogs jumping and chasing is the damn things are ruining the paint on my brand new car.
I would say that it's very dangerous for him to be setting firecrackers off in your yard when you obviously don't want them there. But you might get in just as much trouble for your dogs barking and "viciously barking" at your neighbor.
I would seriously make an effort to try and teach them to be quiet whether it be on your own with a squirt bottle or using something out of a magazine. He might try to do something more drastic to your animals such as making them sick or letting them loose and get hit by a car.
(And yes I've heard of these kinds of things happen to poor animals just because the neighbor didn't like them)

My neighbor blasts airhorns at her dogs and cats when they do something bad - is this cruelty to animals?

Like if they even start to bark or get on some furniture or whatever, she blasts one of those loud-a$$ed canned air horns at them. First, it's annoying as hell if you're over there and don't know that the pet just did something and all of a suddent you hear some loud blast. But second, don't you think this is mean? Because then every dang animal in the house ducks down all terrified like they think they're the one who did something bad. She has 2 dogs and 3 cats. I feel like reporting her, but is this really cruel?
I think it's pretty cruel. But, the other people who are over there and don't know she's about to blast it - that parts funny. I think you should take an airhorn over there with you, and then just blast it real loud behind her fat head without warning her. Hopefully it will scare the hell out of HER and she'll know how the poor animals feel. Who the hell has 5 animals inside anyway? I'd call aspca and ask them what to do. Has she seen the movie Cujo? Take it over there and tell her if she doesn't stop, then her animals will turn on her like that.
seems pretty cruel to me.
thats messed up. tell your neighbor that she isnt responsible to have a pet. thats what pets do, if she doesnt like it, take them to an adoption center so they can get adopted by somebody who actually cares.
poor puppies and kitties :(
Yes, this is really cruel and you should speak to her and tell her it is animal abuse - and bothers the neighbors.
That's an incredibly stupid thing to do, how did she ever convince herself this is discipline?
Her animals must be terrified and probably getting deaf as well.
If she doesn't stop after you speak with her, call code enforcement or Animal Services - she needs to stop this lunacy.
It is not only mean, it is cruel. Squirting water from a squirt bottle or squirt gun is every bit effective and harmless. If she continues to use the horn report her to yourlocal SPCA.
NO! its not cruel in any way shape or form! its probably one of the best ways of training an animal! when an animal does something wrong the noise will scare them from doing it. after a while the animal learns not to do the bad behavior because they hate the noise. its a totally effective way of training (my self i hate the noise so i used a squirt gun). it doesnt last more than a few months until the bad behavior is gone. your neighbor should be commended, not scolded. the people who HIT their animals are the ones that are doing cruelty to animals
I don't think you should personally talk to your neighbor about it unless you are really good friends with her and know how she'll react. Otherwise, do it in a non-accusatory way. You know, something like "Don't you think that airhorn is a bit overkill?" If you don't know her that well, I would call your local SPCA or Humane Society and ask them their opinion on it, and let them know you're concerned for your neighbor's pets.
I do think this could be considered cruel. Not to the worst extent, but come's hearing is MUCH better than human's, and those airhorn things are loud enough to make your ears ring if you're close enough to it, imagine how horrible that must be for the dog. What ever happened to a quick flick on the nose with a rolled up newspaper?? Sheesh.
I'd suggest to her that a watergun is just as effective, won't scare the innocent pets, (Is quite frankly more fun), and won't get her reported to the neighborhood home owner's association.
First have a word with her to try to make her see sense. Airhorns are VERY loud (as you know) - very likely she is going to damage her pet's hearing, if not her own! Secondly, it is plain cruelty to try to 'train' her animals this way. The woman doesn't know what she's doing.
I'd try to make her see sense, you know, at least give her a chance - and if she didn't, then I'd report her. At the very least, you could get her for noise pollution if not animal cruelty! And I wouldn't tell her I was reporting her either, it would seem like a threat - if she won't come to ther senses (if indeed she has any) then just do it. I would.
it's not only cruel to animals, but it is also cruel to the humans that live close by! call the police and file a complaint every time she does it! they'll make her quit.鈽?

My mums stuck in calais port with her dog.?

dog has passport, but was not told about blood test needed, but have no money for quarantine or kennels, please someone help, its been three days now,
Pet passport includes:
- Microchip
- Rabies vaccination
- Positive blood test taken 2-4 weeks after the rabies injection
- Then wait 6 months which is the time your dog will now have to spend in quarantine
The dog aslo need to receive Tick + Tapeworm treatment 24-48h before the journey home.
The link for the relevant legislation is:
If you specifically asked your local veterinarian for a pet passport and they forgot to do the blood test and inform you, then you might let them know: Vets have got insurance for when that sort of thing happen and they would pay for the quarantine.
Unfortunately, if you did not ask your vet and just assumed you could take your dog abroad and come back, then I am afraid nobody can help you.
Good luck
What do you want? Cash? How the hell are we supposed to help?
You find the money and you wire it to her.
And your mother doesn't have a passport?
Someone going to have to send her the money...Dont see how we can help...

My mouse is blind!?

I have 2 white mice and one named pickles is blind and she was fine when i bought her. Do you think her sister will go blind too? And if you know what can it be from? Thaks a lot if you know.
Mice do have bad vision, but if it really is blind.she would be happier if you didn't change the interior of her cage around alot. I'm not saying not to change the litter, just when you take things out to clean them, put them back in the same place.
What makes you think she is blind?
Mice (like rats) have very bad eyesight (in grey shades and very blurry). It's even worse if they have red/"pink" eyes.

My mother rabbit is being very difficult with feedings...?

I have noticed that my babies are slowly dying. She had five Friday and two are just about gone. I checked on them but noticed today her nipples were scabbed up. I took off the scab and held the three babies that took to the ninny on. The other two I think are too far gone. I'm so upset and don't know what to do. I am going to try the kitten milk but I had to take them away from the mom. Any suggestions?
well if u dont have another mother rabbit that has babies the same age there is not much u can happens all the time with me and if it is her first or second litter she is not going to really take care of them.
and if u didnt know moma rabbits only feed their young every 20 hours so if u r going to feed them then feed them every 20 hours. and keep them very warm.and dont handle them to much.
hope i helped.
You could call a vet and ask someone there. they would know the correct answers.

My mom said I could get a bunny, what type should I get?

I'm an 12 year old girl and Im going to get a bunny what is tht Cutest kind of bunny? I want a small bunny (dont what it to get big) I want it to be black or white what is the best type of bunny rabbit (easy to care for)?
Polish are a wonderful breed they max out in size at 2 1/2 pounds making them smaller than hollands as well as most dwarfs They have the sweetest temperment. They come in all colors both solid and broken (broken is a term used to describe a rabbit that has a lot of white along with color)
Check out for other breeds that may be of interest to you.
Rabbits of any kind are not easy to care for. They cost a lot of money and take a lot of time and work. If you are looking for an easy pet get a hamster or a cat. Reseach and read everything you can before looking for a bunny. They are a lifetime commitment.
Go to a pet shop and pick one out
i have Holland lops and mini rexes. they are both small breeds about 5lbs. and they are very easy to take care of
i like dutch rabbits best i find them alot easier than others but that is personal experience... it seems dutch was best for me, but you could try netherland dwarves or mini lops they to are good pets.
If you want a small bunny, consider a Mini Rex, Dutch, Netherland Dwarf, or Holland Lop. These are smaller breeds and they can come in black, white, or black %26 white (the Dutch).
DON'T get it at a pet store. They never know what they are talking about, and they charge you too much. Visit a reliable breeder, preferably one who shows rabbits, You'll get your best bunny from them. Better health = better pet.
They don't have to be expensive. ANY pet that gets a proper home can be expensive. Bunnies are fun, and they are intelligent (they can even be taught to do small scale agility).
Holland Lops make good pets.
Rabbits of any kind are NOT easy to care for. When you first get them you pay around $300 to get the supplies you need, and then they cost around $12 a month for food, bedding, timothy hay, and fruits and veggies. They also need to be outside of the cage for at least 2 hours a day. Also, rabbits dont like to be held. Some will tolerate being held for a few minutes, then they will scratch and kick you until you put it down. Also, their nails need to be cut every month, and if you dont do it yourself it costs $13 to get the vet to do it. If you cut them yourself, and you cut the nails too short they will bleed and it will hurt the rabbit alot. Finally, they live for 10-20 years, and you need to make sure that you can take care of it for the rest of its life. They also stink and their cages need to be cleaned daily to keep the smell down. Where is it going to go if you go away to college ? Do not get a rabbit just because you think they are cute and you want to show it off to all of your friends. With all that being said, good luck if you still want a rabbit. They really are a joy to have.

My mini pen keeps sheding alot, how do i stop her from sheding so much??

I don't know what that is.. but I'm assuming it suppose to shed. What you can do is brush it everyday to lessen the shedding.
take it to a groomer and have a blow out done then keep teh dog brushed everyday but then again that is what dogs do
th shed ender! watch at 3am on ch151 for full details

My male mouse has become rather fat. I know he is a male so that rules out pregnancy. What else could it be??

He is DEFINATELY male. He did however eat one of my female mice and since then he was a bit on the podgy side. But looking at him tonight he is very fat. He has rolls under his belly! Before I take him to a vet I thought maybe someone might have some helpful info for me. Thanks.
He ate a female mouse? I assume you mean after she died? This is in fact quite normal, it's a result of their instinct to clean up the nest as quickly as possible, to avoid the smell of "dead mouse" from attracting predators.
What was a female doing in with your male mouse, though? Or were you trying to breed them? (In case you were/are: don't. You should only breed 100% healthy animals. This guy might have hereditary obesity.)
As for the obesity... it could be just that. Which colour does his coat have? (Some yellow/orange coat colours are caused by genes that also make the mouse prone to developing obesity.) Other possible cause: what does his diet consist of? Nuts, for example, are fattening. So don't give him too many of those.
Another possible cause are tumours (one or multiple), but this is less likely if he has an "overall fat" shape (tumour => big lump in one location).
As for should you be worried: I'd say yes. Being slightly on the chubby side isn't too bad, because they lose weight very quickly if they fall ill, so it can come in handy if they have a bit too much of it. "Rolls under his belly" sounds like your little guy is seriously overweight, though. That is definitely not healthy and makes him prone to all sorts of cardiovascular (e.g. heart) problems; and also to "bumblefoot" (ulcerative pododermatitis) because of the increased pressure on his foot soles. Bumblefoot can be incredibly difficult to cure.
It sounds like you need to put this guy on a diet.
Also: what type of cage is this guy in, does he have a wheel?
Two very good mouse websites:
A very helpful and friendly mouse Yahoo Group:
Valeries Mice Paradise
Hope this helps.
He ate a mouse? I would get him to a vet and lower the amount of food you're giving him for a few days... make sure he exercises!
how about this he is FAT he eat's too much

My male bunny died today. and I don't know exactly why...?

It was fine a few days ago, but yesterday it didn't eat a thing after breakfast, and today it was extremely weak. While taking it to the veterinarian hospital with our car this noon, it died on my mother's hand after growling and shaking suddenly.
It looked as if my bunny was going through a lot of pain during the final moments... but I can't understand the reason behind its death.
Can you think of any explanation,,,, because the only symptom we detected during these two days is his unwillingness to eat or move around.
If you suggest asking the vet, forget it... this is Bangladesh and the vet here is anything but fit to care and treat animals.
There could be several reasons鈥?why your bunny quit eating.
Pneumonia, enteritis, diet, temperature, is just to name a few reasons.
It鈥檚 a bit late to determine just exactly why your bunny died at this time.
However if you acquire a new bunny here are some tips to watch for so that the next time you have a bit of knowledge on what to watch for.
1.Every day I check all my bunnies for dehydration. Pick up the skin on the back of the neck. Let it go and if it springs back the bunny has plenty of body fluids. If the skin stays up in the air then it is dehydrated. We become concerned when the bunny is dehydrated because it means something is wrong.
2.Check the color of the bunny gums. It needs to be a nice pink color. If it is a white color then the bunny has a problem.
3.Check the nose, if it is runny then there is a problem. Runny nose could mean the bunny is to hot or is sick.
4.Diarrhea or scours. Bunny is sick.
These are just a few things to watch for when feeding and watering your bunny everyday. If you use these technique鈥檚 you should catch your bunny early enough to help him or her. (It is ideal to help your bunny as the earliest signs of something being wrong)
Tips to help you with your next bunny:
1.FOOD: Good pellet feed, hay and water. This is all your bunny should ever require. Treats: rolled oats, sunflower seeds unsalted in the shell, raisins, apples, and carrots. Remember theses are treats and should be given in very small quantities. When using pellet feed and switching over to a new pellet feed. This should be done slowly. Mix the feed 陆 and 陆 and slowly over the next few days add more and more of the new pellet feed in the ratio.
2.Bad foods: Lettuce, cabbage, or any other green leafy water vegetables. These can cause scours or diarrhea. Diarrhea can flush out the good bacteria in the bunny鈥檚 stomach that they need to digest their food. If you flush these good bacteria out of the bunny gut it can get a gut disorder called enteritis and it is very serious. Then you have to reestablish the good bacteria and if its caught to late its about impossible to save the bunny.
3.WATER: Good clean water everyday. Make sure your bunny is not tipping the water dish over and your dish is big enough to make sure the bunny is getting plenty of water.
4.Temperature: Bunnies can take the cold better then heat. Make sure your bunny鈥檚 home is in a nice shady area. However shady areas outside can still get to hot. Take a pop bottle and fill it 戮 of the way with water. Put this in the freezer. Every morning take it out and place it in the bunny鈥檚 cage. The bunny should lie beside it and help keep it cool. You can also take a small piece of carpet and wet it with water and place it in the cage. Remove these items in the evening when it cools down. Wash the bottle and put it back in the freezer to be used again the next day. Repeat the next hot day. Also if the bunny is to hot you can wet its ears as this is the radiator for the bunny.
5.Housing: The bunny needs to be able to get out of the weather if it is an outside bunny. Make sure your bunny has a house to get in and out of the weather. Make sure your bunny鈥檚 home is in a shady spot and out of drafty areas. Drafty areas are ok as long as it is not directly drafty on the bunny.
I have included a link that will help with the care of your next bunny!
I wonder why that last comment tells me that you didn't really intend to bring the bunny to the vet at all. that passage that says >while taking "it" to the vet hospital %26lt;was just added for a dramatic impact, right?
Anyways... only a vet can tell you what killed the bunny... I hope you will find your answer here, though.
It had hypothermia it is something that you couldnt cure anyway so please dont think it was your fault or anything. but, it is in a better place than this world trust me and im sure it misses you.
** best of luck**

From, Animal_lover

My little sister found a catterpilla?

i need to know where to store it i have it in a large fish tank now do you think that is sutible?
The plants she found it on are probably the ones it needs to eat so make sure you supply them in the tank. It will be an interesting educational experience for her to watch it for a few days. You may even decide to keep it until it forms a chrysalis and the butterfly hatches but be sure to release it then.
It depends what type it is. There are web-worms which are abundant here now...there are all kinds. You have to know what you have.
wherever u put it u have to make sure it has the following things:
sunshine(once in a while)
just anything that it would normally cope in, don't keep it forever though coz it probably has a family too!
some do give u rashes and skin irritation.So handle with care
It came from the wild, so leave it in the wild. It would probably die in your care. On the other hand, go to a petstore or something, and ask if theres a place where you could buy caterpillars to keep and watch them grow into butterflies.

My little girl ferret seems to be having a little trouble breathing. She's playing fine and eating well.?

She's makes that noise they make after they eat (I hope you know the one I'm talking about) even though she hasn't eaten this morning. It only started today and it comes and goes. I don't know if I should take her to the vet or wait it out...
I know the could be a number of things. It could be a cold, a hairball, something stuck. You really have to use your judgment here. Give her cage and her bedding a very thorough cleaning, especially since ferrets are shedding right now. Offer a ferret laxative or even a big blob of Vaseline. (Trust me...they love it, and its the cheapest way to combat blockages and hairballs.) If you do not see an improvement in a few days and/or start seeing abnormal bowel movements, your little girl will have to see the vet!
i used to have 2 ferrets and i think i know what sound your talking about. if it hasn't stopped by now, i would definitely take her to the vet. better safe than sorry!
i hope she's ok!
i have never had a ferret,
but if that happend to me
i would be headed for the vet right away
if your ferret is sick
the vet can help ALOT.
dont wait
it might make things worse if it isnt handled right away.
hope she gets better soon :D
Yes, you should talk to the vet, because it might be a sickness that causes the ferrets to have hard breathing in heavy heat.

My Horse's Story...not really a question but you are welcome to ask anything =D?

I have a wonderful Arabian Gelding named Maroquis (Maroq)he is a great horse, high strung, but I would feel safe putting a begineer on him =) here is his pedigree if you would like to make a remark about it... actually got him for free =DDDDD (even though they are never actually 'free'). I got him because his previous owner(where we were boarding my Quarter Horse)need to sell all of her horses(Arabians)so she could retire and go live with her daughter in Arizona =). She is a wonderful person and she gave him to us because she new we were good people. my horses sole mate named Bint Gemila(?)Gemila, a BEAUTIFUL chestnut Crabbet Arabian...sadly died in winter '06...Maroq was very uppset when they put her down and he ran around her body and then stood by her =(. After they buried her they gave him her blanket(her smell)...and he was better but sad...he is better know!They sold two bay stallion, a gelding, and a mare(all related including Gemila)
Arabians are beautiful horses to watch.
Sadly, I'm stuck with my grade Palomino, seeing as Arabians are not a very common horse breed in my region, though I would love to own one. xDD
Do you have any pictures? I love to see other people's horses. :)
I have a few photos of my guy Dakota in my photo album:
i live in AZ... hehe thats all i can say.. wat do u want us to ask??

My horses feet are splitting what do i do?

There are supplements with biotin to help his hooves, make sure he has a quality diet and vitamins. But I would definitely call a shoer and see what is going on (does he wear shoes?) There are also hoof conditioners too. Good luck.
You can do nothing, call a vet.

My horse...?

won't stop talking to me. i thought i was going crazy at first but today he asked me if i wanted to go to a tea party with him! i thought tea parties were more appealing to girls? he also told me that he has a crush on a donkey but he doesn't want to date a complete jackass. what should he do? am i some kind of horse whisperer or something? because if i am, i am totally thinking of selling my story to the national enquirer.
yeah, you go and tell we know what you look like, and how your brain works.
Any stallion that invites you to a tea party is really a gelding trying to get you into a stall. Go get a cup of coffee with your mares instead!
you look cute but I guess insane people can look good too
tell him to stick with his own kind
you should write a book ...
Well your horse talks to you thats crazy
hey I believe you. just look at all the jackasses that answered your question;)

My horse show...?

I am entering a horse show and I am nervous. I am competing against my sister and we are both competitive, so there is no point of trying to tell me 'just have fun.' Last horse show I only placed second because the other girl's horse refused. The same girl is entering and I don't think I'll be lucky enough to have her pony refuse. My sister hasn't gotten to ride the horse she rides since Tuesday after their big fall. I've gotten to ride my mount though. Her mount, June, has been in her stall for two days. I'm nervous but I think I can beat her. We have been teasing each other of whose gonna win, and now I don't think it's me and I do at the same time, HELP!
i'll give an answer- but tell me r u english or western. and what division are u competing in?

My horse just wont put on weight!?

Sir Abili Exclusive is nine years old, 17.2 hands, and could stand to gain a significant about of weight. He's a registered quarter horse (not sure how that happened), but his pedigree is mostly thoroughbreds. Currently, he is turned out to pasture with three other horses. His "brothers" in the pasture (an Arab, 23yrs; quarter horse, 2yrs; Spanish barb, 8yrs) are all a healthy weight 鈥搃f not, the latter two, a bit pudgy. They graze on their seven acre pasture, are fed two to three flakes of alfalfa (each) a day, and given supplements once a day (each horse's sups vary, Sir Abili's consist of oat mo, alfalfa pellets, corn syrup and a weight gain powder). Alibi is the dominate one; no one steals his food. He's "parrot-mouthed", has a large over bite, and so has to have his teeth floated every six months. We've had him three years; his weight fluctuates, but never gets anywhere near adequate. Unfortunately, our vet can find nothing wrong with him. Up to date on all shots and worming...
Suger beet is used for horses that need to gain weight.
feed it a liitle bit of meat in its regualar meals
There are supplements you can add to the feed other than the powder. You may want to check into other products that are available. If he is healthy and not racing, then his weight may be OK for him.
I have 2 thoroughbreds a 6 year old gelding 17.5 hands and a 5 year old mare at 17 hands.The gelding is well built and very athletic, the mare has lost weight and she is not to athletic.My local feed supplier advised to keep her stalled and feed her half sweet feed and half Armaline, (I think i spelled it right), and keep her on the hay. Feeding time is also important, try to feed the same time everyday, and these type horses do need to excersize daily, use a round pen and work them. Good luck..
i used beet pulp to give my horse more weight(due to a ton of unexpected snow) others i used to board with use beet puld and it helps a lot.

My horse is buddy sour, whenever i take him out of the ring he starts fighting me and runs back to the gate.?

What can i do so he stops fighting with me?
some ways to keep him away from the gate are to check him to the inside and yank on your inside rein, if this doenst work then try to get a stronger bit. Maybe you should teach him a lesson by putting him in a diferent pasture as his buddy (although he may make new ones)
Another thing you could do is have some stand at the gate waving their arms around and saying 'SHOO'
If this, over everything else doesnt work, then try this-
what is something he is scared of (not to the point where he will freak out, but he will just stay away from it) and put it next to the gate. Lake for instance, my horse is scared of jumps (silly I know) so I could place a jump next to the gate.
Hope i he;ped and good luck =]
You need to separate your horse, as in a new place for about a month. And ride it there for a while. They have a herd mentality. Your horse could be the leader or the follower. Expose it to new surroundings away from known horses.

My horse has a medical problem can you help me make it go away??

my grey horse peper has a malonoma the size of a small bouncing ball. hes had it for five years now and it has gotten smaller but i want it to vanish. its on his right hind leg and is near his stifel
Call a vet and he will have to remove it. The school I went to for Equine Health, we learned that grey horses usually get melenoma. It is very common. My teacher was a vet and we watched him remove a small tumor from one of the grey horses at the school. I would highly recommend you get it removed before the cancer spreads.
Call a vet

My horse ate a plastic bag, what do I do?

Looks like he swallowed it and I don't know where to go from here... just waiting for the vet to call back
Vet may have to tube your horse with mineral oil, so that the plastic bag does not cause an intestinal blockage.
If the horse shows any signs of colic before the vet gets there (nipping at his belly, wanting to lay down, sweating, groaning, straining to move his bowels), keep him on his feet and walking.

My hermit crabs legs fell off!?

i went to my baby sitters and and came home and one of her legs were laying at the bottom of its crate i picked it up and aanother one fell off poor krabby!!!!!
This is from stress. Check your environment and see if you can make any changes. Follow this site to the best info:
I think they grow back...I think.
me and my sister both had hermit crabs.. well my hermit crab decided to rip my sisters out of its shell and take over.. hers died. and since i knew which were wich i knew what happend.. i didnt say anything to her.but let her keep mine since hers died... but ive never had mine's leggs fall off.. thats odd..
they do grow back, so I've heard
I had three and they all had bad molts ( shedding the old shells)Even though I followed all directions for care and feeding,they all three died.Their legs fell off,too,and then they died.I know they were dead because I could smell them! I wouldn't throw it away or bury it until you're sure it's not molting.If it starts to smell bad, you'll know.

My hermit crab turned pink!?

My hermit crab just finished molting and when i saw him, he was pink! Is something wrong with him or is it just normal for them to change color?
depending on the species the pink color could just be a color change or it could be a lack of required nutrients, make sure you are providing fresh fruits, veggies, and meats. Here is a link to a safe food list.
They will turn colour to suit their environment. Congratulations.your hermit crab is happy and healthy!

My hermit crab sits in his shell in the same spot all day. hes alive, but does anyone know whats happening?

maybe he just feels comfortable staying in the spot all th time. I also have 2 hermit crabs. Most of the time they also just stay in one spot but during the night i think they move around more. Hope that helps ^^
I had hermit carbs. They like sponges and light. They also like they're shells. Try to get them out of the shells. Toys sometimes help!!

My Hermit Crab is shellless I put the shells in front of him.He is trying to close up.What should I do??

It's benn about 30 mins. His eyes are closed.
He's probably molting, dont try and put him in a shell! Put him in a dark room with no other animals and if you have any other hermit crabs in the cage with him take them out, they could kill him while he's out of his shell. Give him a couple hours maybe a day before you touch him at all. Their very sensitive while they're doing this. Another thing it could be he could be dying sorry to say, just give him some time and see what happens.
um no dont put him in a shell..sorry but i think hes dying.
you have a hermit crab?? cool!
Well it can be one of two things.the hermit crab is molting and thats why it has left its shell or the hermit crab has reached the end of its little life. Usually when they molt they go under the ground but i have seen them molt on the suface.

My hermit crab is dead!?

How will i be able to know when my hermit crab is dead? and how should we get rid of it?
They tend to turn pale/ loose color and most of the ones I have had when you pick them up fall out of their shell.
It may seem callous but I think we just threw them in the trash. You could always bury them in the backyard if you wanted.
ummm, it wont be moving, and to get rid of it bury it.
When it doesn't move, even when provoked, it's dead.
To get rid of it, I'd have a little burial--but that's just me ;).
when my friend's hermit died it fell out of it's shell... i guess that it was kind of scary
i think that she buried him in the backyard
good luck!!
If your hermit crab is dead, it won't move. As far as getting rid of him, you can bury him or throw him away.
its dead when u poke something in its shell and goo starts runing out...LoL
and just throw it in the dirt!

My hermit crab has buried himself in his shell grit?

Is it normal for them to bury themselves? I only got him today.
Yes it is destressing leave it alone. And here is a great caresheet to help you with your new pet
no smaller than a 10 gallon glass tank, is preferable. A glass or plexiglass lid is also preferable, to keep proper temperature and humidity.
Temperature: 74-78 degrees F (thermometer)
Humidity: 70-80% relative (hygrometer)
Playsand, Forestbedding (Eco-Earth, Bed-a-Beast, etc). Moss and calcisand may also be added to the tank, however it is not recommended as a main substrate.
Commercial crab foods, Vegetables (favorites include-carrots, lettuce, parsley, spinach, and corn), Fruits (favorites include-coconut, mango, apples, grapes, and pears), Meats (seafood, silversides and chicken are favorites), Grains, Peanut butter, eggs, seeds, algae and seaveggies. Please see for a list of other edible foods.
Purple pinchers need both fresh and salt water (dechlorinated %26 salt made with a good marine salt like Oceanic).
Turbo, pica/magpie, Sharks eye. Shells with circular openings are favorites
-Lethargic before and hyper after molting
-Legs tend to be dry and ashy pre-molt
-Will sometimes molt without a molt sac or other pre-molting symptoms
-Are thirsty and hungry pre-molt and post-molt
Other Characteristics:
-Sweet/nice temperament
-Love to climb
-Love to crowd into piles
-Not as active as other species such as the Es
-Like to hide during the day and are most active at night
-More willing to pinch if they feel threatened/scared
-Love to change shells
-Love to eat and climb on wood such as cholla/choya and corkbark
i had a hermit crab once.
but that never happend to him/she
(i had no clue what gender it was)
go online
to see if thats normal

My hamsters eye is crusted!?

A while ago I found a large open soar on my hamsters stomach. I cleaned it out and it started healing well. Now my hamsters right eye has begun to crust over. Does it have to do with the soar? Whats wrong?
Ok, Buy cammomile teabags at your supermarket,
Boil water, and make the tea,
Leave the tea to cool for about 15mins until luke warm,
Apply the tea around the eye with a cotton bud or pad.
This will heal the hamsters eye naturally, repeat this 3 times a day, everyday, until eye is healed.
I don't know what it has to do with the other sore, but it doesn't sound good, but am glad the sore is healing. With the eye, I'd pick him up and have a warm wet paper towel and from the corner of the eye outward, wipe the nasties out of his eye til it's clean. He may not like it so hang on tight, but just use warm water and wipe til it's gone. Hopefully that'll be the end of it. IF you happen to wipe his other eye, use a clean part of the paper towel so you don't transfer germs from one eye to the other. Good luck.

My hamsters eye infection?

I took my hamster to the vet a 2 days ago because i thought he was choking on his food. turns out he wasnt but he had an eye infection so the vet gave me some eye drops. His eye had a cloudy spot in the middle and sticky glump around the outline. I tried the eye drops twice a day but i noticed the same thing happened to the other eye. My hamster is now blind, he can't walk, he can't drink, he can't eat. I think the eye drops are too strong for him, it doesnt even say Hamsters on the packet it says "Dogs, cats and Rabbits" who's eyes are huge.
Is my hamster going to be alright?
how old is your hamster? mine had the same problem and he was 3 (very old) i just got a clothe and wiped the crust around his eye it helped but he went blind and i couldn't help with that i think its weird that he can't drink because hamster can hardly see anyway the remember and sense thigs around them but you should call the vet and let us know how it turns out
contact the vet and tell them whats going on
oh my! what are u waiting for? take him to the vet and fast!

My hamster sudennly died!!?

Ok, My little bro had a small dwarf hamster named midnight, and Midnight died last night. He had been acting strange 4 days! He was having trouble moving his back legs and was making odd sqeaky noises when he breathed. When he walked , he stumbled, and we think it mght have been a nuerological problem. When he was dead, I was looking at him and saw a strange wound on his paw, he hadnt eaten anything strange, and he had an ubundant water supply! Does anyone have any suggestions as to why he died??
Yes, I think it was likely neurological. But the neurological problem didn't cause his death directly. I think he had a cancerous tumor which progressed in size quickly (which it can do) along his spine. I think he got the wound from dragging himself around. Also, he may have chewed on his own paw. It was very likely numb, since the spinal cord had pressure placed on it. The spinal cord is vital to breathing since it helps regulate it.
Many smaller animals, such as hamsters, gerbils, domestic rats, mice, ferrets etc...often die of cancerous tumors. I don't know really why that is though.
So I don't think its anything you did. Hamsters have a very short life span to start with.
I'm sorry to hear about your loss though. I know it can be difficult.
Take care.
it'd help if I knew the age. but it could have been old age. or a disease
OK. he could have had an infection that has been going on. or if your brother put the hamster out in the open and had the fan on, this is also a BIG reason why inexperienced hamster owner's hamsters die. hamsters are from the desert and drafts are deadly to them. i am sorry to hear about your loss.
it was more than likely perfume or air fressaner.
oh that happened to my hamster. but she wasn't a dwarf hamster, she was a teddybear hamster. but their both hamsters and simalar...rodents. it was probably from weakness. my hamster died the next day too because she was acting really weird and squeeking really loudly. i think your hammie died of weakness
It's a possiblity that your hamster could've had wet tail which is a disease that is thought to be stress related and often affects young hamsters around the time of weaning, as this can be a stressful time. Wet tail is a bacterial infection or an imbalance of the natural bacteria in the hamster's stomach or intestine and is often confused with diarrhoea.

My hamster is acting strange.?

Ok dudes my hamster is 3 years old and here is what;s up with him:
His ears are black, he's a golden hammy!!
He just rolls around and does nothing
He doesnt eat
He doesnt drink
His lungs are messing up too. Is it near the end of Willie's life? I'm really sad, he's been there with me for everything! : ( 鈾?!-- Question-to-best answer
honey, a hamster's life-span is generally 3 to 5 years...your hamster is just getting old...your grandparents aren't the same as they were when they were your age so you really can't expect your hamster to be the same as he was when he was one or two years old
for rodents 3 years old is their last year to live
go to a vet thats my advice
Im sorry but 3 is a pretty long life for a hamster! :( My hamster just passed away and im really sad! :( Spent a lot of time playing with him and tell him how much u love him!
yea the thing is probably nearing the end but hey the little guy was there for you now you gotta be there for him/her
ya 3 years is about the max that rodents live
it might be a age thing I'm sorry.
Three years is usually the longest a hamster will live, I used to have a hamster, but it died at about age two and a half. I am sorry that I do not personally know what is wrong but you may ask your question at for a more thorough answer.
hamster's don't live very long ,had a few myself get a dog or cat.
A VET can tell you, rather than unqualified strangers on the internet who have never even seen your pet, let alone examined him!
Stop whining and get your hamster to the vet. It is his RIGHT BY LAW to receive proper care and to deny it is abuse. Stop wasting time on the computer. HE'S the one that's doing the suffering; not you! So DO something about it!
I think you should take him to the vet!
Im sorry ; (
~ Deedeedodo9~

My hamster i a week old when can i satrt handaling it?

after it stop biting u

My hamster hs just died and im very sad :( but wehat can i get now?

my amazing hamster died because of old age 2 and a 1/2 !
she was a golden syrun . i work for 7 hous a day and would love a welsh tyerrier ! my grden ids fully secure ( the people before us had 3 jack russels)! and i wud love it 4 eva. people on my other question said getting a dog is not ideal so wht could i get that is not in a cage like a gold fish or hamster or parrot. please help!
Ive got chip monks they are in a cage but they are awake all day and sleep at night and are great to handle.
what about a chinchilla if you want to go a bit more exotic they are very tame and easy to handle ,
if you don't want something in a cage what about a cat or kitten,they can wonder around all day and you don't have to worry about rushing home from work to let them out like you would a dog
how about a guinie pig, they live longer than hamsters
you could get a cat, if you dont likethem i think you will when you get one. my dad hated them, he used to throw water on them in the garden and chase them with the hose. then my sis got one and he was always holding her telling her how beautiful she is. they are quite indipendant but like to play also. go for it i say!!
ummm i dont think you have time for something not it a tank or cage its pretty much a form of cruelty just leaving a animal all by its self for up to seven hours so for you how about a pet rock
what about a cat
I got one a litle while ago.
My family weren't too keen at first - now everyone loves her!
Bigger dogs normally can hold their bladder longer than small dogs. So, my suggestion is if your going to get a puppy you should take time off work and kennel train the dog- or, teach it to use puppy pads.
If you don't have the time and energy to devote to properly train a dog, I would get a different pet. Cats are VERY self-sufficient, and if you wanted to, you could let them outside (as long as they're completely updated on their shots and are wearing proper tags).
I would suggest a cat, but I'm a diehard dog person, so I think if you can't take care of them properly you shouldn't at all.
Perhaps a parrot?
What's amazing is that they AREN'T kept in a cage and they can talk!
But, yeah, maybe tie a chain from the stand to its leg, so maybe it won't ESCAPE!
Hmmm... but what about Bird Flu?
you could get a cat they kind of look after there self so all you would need to do while you were at work would be putting food and water out.

-from a friend
woah, how long ago did your hamster die?? Sorry, but it's not right if you rush back into another pet, it's pretty unfair.
Wait a while and think hard and long. You said that you work 7 hrs a day, and trust me, a puppy will get bored. Rescuing a dog from a animal shelter is the best idea. The dog will be over his/her puppy- crying-and-destroying when you leave the house. You will also be saving a life at the same time!
A cat will be more ideal in your situation though. As i said before, have a long, hard think about it.
How long ago did your hamster die? First of all...the choices you are considering are WAY different than a hamster. A cat is pretty much self-sufficient during the day while you work, but a dog, and/or parrot need much more attention. I wouldn't rush into anything. When you form a bond with an can't just "fill the void" with any other animal. Take some research, and then decide what you should get.
Why not a cat?
They can be independant (while your out) and affectionate (while your in)
Battersea dogs home is a good place to get one as they suit the cat to what you can give, like an independant but loving one.
well as you have giunea pigs, why not get a rabbit or 2. if you want something a little bigger try a giant breed. remember rabbits do will as indoor bunnies as well as out!!
A rabbit.
Very sorry about your Hamster,
you could have a cute cat, they sleep most of the day.
I feel you should look into having another pet more closely, all animals need care and love and attention
You could ask a vet they will know what pet is best for you.,