Friday, May 8, 2009

My puppy came home from the kennel and does not seem so playful. Whats up?

Maybe she/he's not very happy with you right now for leaving her behind, but she'll soon be her happy self once more. Just play with her, show her you're not leaving again anytime soon. She'll be fine!
We found out my puppy got a urine infection from the kennel when we brought her home again - and we'd only left her there for a few days. So much for them being sanitary.
the puppy is used to have friends and neighbours he is a bit home sick give him things to play with
How old is it? Is its stomach bloated and hard? Its got worms . . . or he could have picked up something else. Take him to the vet if it's nose gets hot and dry.
Give him lots of love and hugs and kisses. It is so hard for this little baby to get used to you. He will.
The puppy is probably traumatized, he has a new home and isn't quite sure about it yet. Give him lots of love and attention, and he will know he has a loving home. If he fails to perk up, take him to the vet. Congratulations on your new addition.

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