Friday, May 8, 2009

My male bunny died today. and I don't know exactly why...?

It was fine a few days ago, but yesterday it didn't eat a thing after breakfast, and today it was extremely weak. While taking it to the veterinarian hospital with our car this noon, it died on my mother's hand after growling and shaking suddenly.
It looked as if my bunny was going through a lot of pain during the final moments... but I can't understand the reason behind its death.
Can you think of any explanation,,,, because the only symptom we detected during these two days is his unwillingness to eat or move around.
If you suggest asking the vet, forget it... this is Bangladesh and the vet here is anything but fit to care and treat animals.
There could be several reasons鈥?why your bunny quit eating.
Pneumonia, enteritis, diet, temperature, is just to name a few reasons.
It鈥檚 a bit late to determine just exactly why your bunny died at this time.
However if you acquire a new bunny here are some tips to watch for so that the next time you have a bit of knowledge on what to watch for.
1.Every day I check all my bunnies for dehydration. Pick up the skin on the back of the neck. Let it go and if it springs back the bunny has plenty of body fluids. If the skin stays up in the air then it is dehydrated. We become concerned when the bunny is dehydrated because it means something is wrong.
2.Check the color of the bunny gums. It needs to be a nice pink color. If it is a white color then the bunny has a problem.
3.Check the nose, if it is runny then there is a problem. Runny nose could mean the bunny is to hot or is sick.
4.Diarrhea or scours. Bunny is sick.
These are just a few things to watch for when feeding and watering your bunny everyday. If you use these technique鈥檚 you should catch your bunny early enough to help him or her. (It is ideal to help your bunny as the earliest signs of something being wrong)
Tips to help you with your next bunny:
1.FOOD: Good pellet feed, hay and water. This is all your bunny should ever require. Treats: rolled oats, sunflower seeds unsalted in the shell, raisins, apples, and carrots. Remember theses are treats and should be given in very small quantities. When using pellet feed and switching over to a new pellet feed. This should be done slowly. Mix the feed 陆 and 陆 and slowly over the next few days add more and more of the new pellet feed in the ratio.
2.Bad foods: Lettuce, cabbage, or any other green leafy water vegetables. These can cause scours or diarrhea. Diarrhea can flush out the good bacteria in the bunny鈥檚 stomach that they need to digest their food. If you flush these good bacteria out of the bunny gut it can get a gut disorder called enteritis and it is very serious. Then you have to reestablish the good bacteria and if its caught to late its about impossible to save the bunny.
3.WATER: Good clean water everyday. Make sure your bunny is not tipping the water dish over and your dish is big enough to make sure the bunny is getting plenty of water.
4.Temperature: Bunnies can take the cold better then heat. Make sure your bunny鈥檚 home is in a nice shady area. However shady areas outside can still get to hot. Take a pop bottle and fill it 戮 of the way with water. Put this in the freezer. Every morning take it out and place it in the bunny鈥檚 cage. The bunny should lie beside it and help keep it cool. You can also take a small piece of carpet and wet it with water and place it in the cage. Remove these items in the evening when it cools down. Wash the bottle and put it back in the freezer to be used again the next day. Repeat the next hot day. Also if the bunny is to hot you can wet its ears as this is the radiator for the bunny.
5.Housing: The bunny needs to be able to get out of the weather if it is an outside bunny. Make sure your bunny has a house to get in and out of the weather. Make sure your bunny鈥檚 home is in a shady spot and out of drafty areas. Drafty areas are ok as long as it is not directly drafty on the bunny.
I have included a link that will help with the care of your next bunny!
I wonder why that last comment tells me that you didn't really intend to bring the bunny to the vet at all. that passage that says >while taking "it" to the vet hospital %26lt;was just added for a dramatic impact, right?
Anyways... only a vet can tell you what killed the bunny... I hope you will find your answer here, though.
It had hypothermia it is something that you couldnt cure anyway so please dont think it was your fault or anything. but, it is in a better place than this world trust me and im sure it misses you.
** best of luck**

From, Animal_lover

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