Friday, May 8, 2009

My hermit crabs legs fell off!?

i went to my baby sitters and and came home and one of her legs were laying at the bottom of its crate i picked it up and aanother one fell off poor krabby!!!!!
This is from stress. Check your environment and see if you can make any changes. Follow this site to the best info:
I think they grow back...I think.
me and my sister both had hermit crabs.. well my hermit crab decided to rip my sisters out of its shell and take over.. hers died. and since i knew which were wich i knew what happend.. i didnt say anything to her.but let her keep mine since hers died... but ive never had mine's leggs fall off.. thats odd..
they do grow back, so I've heard
I had three and they all had bad molts ( shedding the old shells)Even though I followed all directions for care and feeding,they all three died.Their legs fell off,too,and then they died.I know they were dead because I could smell them! I wouldn't throw it away or bury it until you're sure it's not molting.If it starts to smell bad, you'll know.

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