Friday, May 8, 2009

My mom said I could get a bunny, what type should I get?

I'm an 12 year old girl and Im going to get a bunny what is tht Cutest kind of bunny? I want a small bunny (dont what it to get big) I want it to be black or white what is the best type of bunny rabbit (easy to care for)?
Polish are a wonderful breed they max out in size at 2 1/2 pounds making them smaller than hollands as well as most dwarfs They have the sweetest temperment. They come in all colors both solid and broken (broken is a term used to describe a rabbit that has a lot of white along with color)
Check out for other breeds that may be of interest to you.
Rabbits of any kind are not easy to care for. They cost a lot of money and take a lot of time and work. If you are looking for an easy pet get a hamster or a cat. Reseach and read everything you can before looking for a bunny. They are a lifetime commitment.
Go to a pet shop and pick one out
i have Holland lops and mini rexes. they are both small breeds about 5lbs. and they are very easy to take care of
i like dutch rabbits best i find them alot easier than others but that is personal experience... it seems dutch was best for me, but you could try netherland dwarves or mini lops they to are good pets.
If you want a small bunny, consider a Mini Rex, Dutch, Netherland Dwarf, or Holland Lop. These are smaller breeds and they can come in black, white, or black %26 white (the Dutch).
DON'T get it at a pet store. They never know what they are talking about, and they charge you too much. Visit a reliable breeder, preferably one who shows rabbits, You'll get your best bunny from them. Better health = better pet.
They don't have to be expensive. ANY pet that gets a proper home can be expensive. Bunnies are fun, and they are intelligent (they can even be taught to do small scale agility).
Holland Lops make good pets.
Rabbits of any kind are NOT easy to care for. When you first get them you pay around $300 to get the supplies you need, and then they cost around $12 a month for food, bedding, timothy hay, and fruits and veggies. They also need to be outside of the cage for at least 2 hours a day. Also, rabbits dont like to be held. Some will tolerate being held for a few minutes, then they will scratch and kick you until you put it down. Also, their nails need to be cut every month, and if you dont do it yourself it costs $13 to get the vet to do it. If you cut them yourself, and you cut the nails too short they will bleed and it will hurt the rabbit alot. Finally, they live for 10-20 years, and you need to make sure that you can take care of it for the rest of its life. They also stink and their cages need to be cleaned daily to keep the smell down. Where is it going to go if you go away to college ? Do not get a rabbit just because you think they are cute and you want to show it off to all of your friends. With all that being said, good luck if you still want a rabbit. They really are a joy to have.

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