Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pick Up Dog Mess & Not Horse mess?

You have to pick up your dogs mess which I understand, but Why don't people have to clean up there horses mess.
Where I take my dog there are horses sometime and they never clean it up so I assume they don't get fined as they can hardly get away with it if it's illegal.
I mean, mountains of feces!
Horse manure is probably the 'cleanest' manure you can get as horses eat a diet of grass and forage only - therefore unless you rub it over your face and eat it, it is unlikely to have any ill effects on you whatsover, whereas dogs are meat eating - and the majority eat a diet of processed, second rate food, meaning that their excrement is definately a lot worse.
Also, it is impossible to carry a shovel whilst riding!
And finally, I would like to think horse manure is alot greener than what comes out of your car whilst travelling...
Well, to be honest, how the hell are they gonna pick up a mountain of mess?
It's too much to pick up really imo.
They make bags that can be put on the back of horses that will catch the manure, you see them in the cities that offer carriage rides. Makes sense to me that if one pet owner has to pick up after their pet, so should the other...
Lol, that's so funny. Seriously, I can't stop chuckling at the "mountains of feces" you're describing. Perhaps while they are riding they just don't hear their horses leaving mountains behind them? Or maybe they are lazy.
Horse's poop way too much to realisticaly expect the rider to pick it up. The rider would also have to dismount on the trail and hold their horse while they do it which is dangerous. There is also nowhere to put such a large bag of poop. Most trails I know of, do have someone who goes through and picks it up every once in a while. Usually staff members or volunteers from a nearby stable. Otherwise the whole trail would be covered in poop.

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