Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pet Theft Rings For Research - Did You Know?

Another good reason to keep your pet indoors or very closely supervised. Always good to educate ourselves as pet owners and animal rights activists and you do not have to be an extremist to want to be well informed. It is ignorance that always Class B dealers to continue to steal pets and to adopt them out of shelters to turn a profit by selling them into research. This is why responsible pet owners should think twice before just dumping the inconvenient pet off at the shelter. FREE TO GOOD HOME IS ALSO BAD.
It's the latest advance for us on animal issues in Congress.
Last week, the House approved an animal protection amendment to
the Farm Bill. This amendment would prohibit the use in research
of dogs and cats obtained from random source Class B dealers,
who may steal pets or fraudulently obtain them through "free to
good home" ads. It would also ban the use of live animals in
sales demonstrations of medical devices.
Read more:
That's why it's a good idea to microchip or tattoo your pet for id purposes. Legally, class B dealers can sell or the research facilities purchase any animal that has a form of permanent id such as a microchip or a tattoo. If your pet does get stolen by a dealer and it has this type of ID, they'll dump it first chance they get and more than likely your pet will make it home.
Not really a question - spreading propaganda. I'm far more concerned with the prospects of HSUS misusing funds they get for dishonest reasons and PeTA people and others justifying stealing dogs. They're more likely to do it *now* than dealers. People don't want a dog and give them away it's not any more fraudulent than those who say they'll take it and find a good home then kill it. The farm bill NAIS is *NOT GOOD* - not for any justification and all the animals now microchipped won't matter because new ones will be needed.

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