Sunday, August 2, 2009

Peta euthanizing.?

is it true that peta puts more animals to sleep in the USA than any other organization? no adgenda here, just heard it from someone.
PETA is a HUGE organization that handles the most animal neglect and cruelty cases. Sad but true...there are just some animals PETA comes across that just have to be euthanized. There is a protocol that ANY animal organization uses for euthanizing whether it be PETA or the SPCA or even your local animal shelter.
As far as PETA euthanizing the most animals...who knows. I don't have the numbers. Either way, it doesn't matter as each and every euthenization any animal organization gives is done exclusively under certain protocol.
Here is some extra info if you are interested.
beats me. that organization is weired.
That is a lie. If you want to know the truth about PETA and what they do, visit their website.
Yes it is, when you call peta to come get your animals and take them to the pound, about 80% of those animals are put to sleep in their van before they even pull out of your driveway
I am all for the wellfare of animals, but peta is just a bunch of selfcentered crazy people who think they are right about everything when it comes to animals, when usually everything they do to them hurts the animals in the end
Did you hear about when the peta set free a bunch of weasels from a fur factory..they just let them out to run wild...yo uknow, most of those weasels died because they don't know how to survive.Now, again, im against wearing fur, and all that jazz, i don't wear leather either, but peta did more harm to those animals, and other animals in the wild by setting free 100s of weasels
if there is no home for an animal, it will be euthanized...that's why more people need to get their dogs spayed or neutered and start adopting from shelters rather than thinking they need a purebred from a dog's sad, but it does happen...
You know I heard the same thing also and did a search the other day. Check out this has alot of info on PETA euthanizing animals, but keep in mind, these people do have an agenda so who knows if they are just exaggerating the case.
PeTA does euthanize animals..but way more animals get euthanized at dog pounds,etc.PeTA doesn't own any shelters,they don't have housing for animals,they can only adopt them out.60,000 animals are euthanized everyday...PeTa doesn't even come close to that number of animals euthanized.

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