Sunday, August 2, 2009

Pet Skunks?

Does anyone know the legal side of domesticated skunks in the UK? Is it allowed?
Yes you can keep them, same as they said, they are hard to come by, a good bet would be a zoo that's just bred skunks, but may not want to keep them, or rescue shelters. If you have them from babies they will love you to pieces, but they need a lot of work!! so no holidays for the next 20 odd years! It's a commitment, and also quite expensive. Oh and they don't stink at all! They'll only spray you if you injure or threaten them to all those mindless people out there who think that because they use smell as a defence they always stink!
Oh and to him above me! They aren't exotic animals they are actually found in the Uk nowadays quite commonly!!
no and why would you want to ?
I believe they can be kept as pets in the UK. Not sure if you need a licence though. I remember some time ago seeing someone on the net who kept them. I think there are issues with biting if they are not completely tame
Actually YES, you can have a skunk in the UK, although they are hard to come by. I have a friend who has one called Niff, she has had her scent glands removed and is absolutely adorable.
She was found in a house full of cruelty cases of various different species.
i think that they can be kept as pets
why do you want to - THEY STINK
Yes but obviously not very easy to come by but they apparently make really good pets. They are actually related to ferrets and are gaining popularity as pets especially in America where you can actually buy them from a pet shop.
Nobody in a million years would buy a skunk in the UK,they should stay where they come from.

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